Today sucked something awful. I need to get the fuck out of my job. After spending 3 hours downtown getting a fictitious business name for my band and adding bandmates to our bank account, I got to spend an hour in a conference call w/ the president and exec vp of my company telling them why they should fire my Asst GM. Let me pose it to you:
Would you stand back and take it in the ear from your boss if everyday you went to work he told you to Fuck Off or that he hated his job and wanted to kill all the employees
Didn't think so...I guess I end up being the asshole in every situation, but fuck it...if I can't kick his ass, then bringing the bigwigs into it will have to suffice.
PS If I mysteriously disappear in the next few weeks, HE DID IT.
Would you stand back and take it in the ear from your boss if everyday you went to work he told you to Fuck Off or that he hated his job and wanted to kill all the employees
Didn't think so...I guess I end up being the asshole in every situation, but fuck it...if I can't kick his ass, then bringing the bigwigs into it will have to suffice.

PS If I mysteriously disappear in the next few weeks, HE DID IT.
oh, and i like your "what makes me sad" answer. my boyfriend and i laugh about that all the time.