Won't the voices in my head wither away?
Some people say they want peace of mind, I want peace in my mind. Drugs, drugs, drugs to intoxicate those voices in my head. But I shouldn't. A healthy body makes a healthy mind. Right? Why am I so happy when I'm not here? Am I them? Are they me? Are we one? Is this schizophrenia? Am I going crazy? Stop!! Yeah, stop, you're so weak. stop your self-pity and self loathing. I am weak. He is fucked in the head. He is such a disapointment. He can't even convince himself that he's intelligent. At least I'm a good lay. Are you? Well that's what she said. Was she being nice? She just felt bad. Yeah that's it. No. I don't know. What happened? Was I there? Was I sober? No. Yes. It didn't feel like it. Has it ever? Did I fall asleep? Were they all the same? Do I fuck like I want to fuck? Fuck this fucking around. Why did I dream I killed her. I didn't kill her, I just disposed of her body. No that was just a dream. Dream, nightmare, dream, nightmare, dream dream. Reality. I like that beat. What is that? Is that of jazz influence? tiss ti-tissss tiss ti-tissss. Stop pretending. He's such an amateur. He thinks he's a genius. What a fake. He doesn't know shit from shit. Yeah I know I don't know squat. I'm fucked in the head. Sometimes. Most of the time. Yes? No? What? Who? What the fuck? Stop it.... Stop!.... STOP!!! That gun isn't in your hands, it's in mine.... The gun is in my hands. I'm in control. My eyes are open. Fuck You!
Some people say they want peace of mind, I want peace in my mind. Drugs, drugs, drugs to intoxicate those voices in my head. But I shouldn't. A healthy body makes a healthy mind. Right? Why am I so happy when I'm not here? Am I them? Are they me? Are we one? Is this schizophrenia? Am I going crazy? Stop!! Yeah, stop, you're so weak. stop your self-pity and self loathing. I am weak. He is fucked in the head. He is such a disapointment. He can't even convince himself that he's intelligent. At least I'm a good lay. Are you? Well that's what she said. Was she being nice? She just felt bad. Yeah that's it. No. I don't know. What happened? Was I there? Was I sober? No. Yes. It didn't feel like it. Has it ever? Did I fall asleep? Were they all the same? Do I fuck like I want to fuck? Fuck this fucking around. Why did I dream I killed her. I didn't kill her, I just disposed of her body. No that was just a dream. Dream, nightmare, dream, nightmare, dream dream. Reality. I like that beat. What is that? Is that of jazz influence? tiss ti-tissss tiss ti-tissss. Stop pretending. He's such an amateur. He thinks he's a genius. What a fake. He doesn't know shit from shit. Yeah I know I don't know squat. I'm fucked in the head. Sometimes. Most of the time. Yes? No? What? Who? What the fuck? Stop it.... Stop!.... STOP!!! That gun isn't in your hands, it's in mine.... The gun is in my hands. I'm in control. My eyes are open. Fuck You!
Hey good lookin', haven't seen you here before. Can I buy you a drink? haha
tell me about where you are on the east coast (doesn't have to be specifics, just what's around you).