I am so amused at the way Trumpsters just assume that Liberals/Progressives/Leftist all love Biden unconditionally. As if Trumpsters can't fathom that we're not as blindly and ignorantly approving of Biden as they are of Trump. That we are willing to actually criticize Biden and other Democrats, whereas as Trumpsters only criticize anyone that doesn't kiss Trump's fat ass.
Trumpsters try to deflect and project all they want, but I'm over it. I'm so hoping that Trump loses "bigly" and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the same goes for most of the Republicans who have cowered to Trump this entire time. Take note though. I've not once said that this is about making sure Biden wins specifically.
It has always been about getting rid of Trump. I'd be happy to see Biden be a single term President as well, if it meant that both parties can get their shit together and offer up better candidates in 2024. More qualified candidates. Candidates that are trustworthy. Candidates that actually have an idea of what the majority of Americans are dealing with. Yeah, I'll be happy if Biden wins, but I'll be ecstatic to know that Trump has lost.
If there's to be any silver lining to the past four years, it would be that more Americans realize how screwed up things are and how they have to change. I say get rid of as many ineffective career politicians on both sides and replace them with more diverse and empathetic individuals.
For now, I know I'm done trying to accept or understand Trump supporters. I'll be polite as beat as I can, since these people will still be around after today, in our schools, jobs, families, neighborhoods, etc. As much as I'd love to tell them off right to their faces, it won't make a lick of difference. I can be as passive aggressive as I can with public posts on social media as well, but I'll either be preaching to the choir or just making it worse. So, the best I can do for now is accept that some of these people will always be a part of my life, but that doesn't mean I need to seek them out or go out of my to befriend them.
Speaking for myself, all I can say is that if you've continued to support Donald Trump this entire time, you are of no value to me. That's my opinion, but it is what it is.