I don't want to get too political here, but I'll start by saying, "Fuck Trump and his supporters."
That being said, we're in the thick of it for another election cycle and of course, COVID is a big issue for the candidates to fight over. Here in Michigan, the race for senator is between John James (R) and Gary Peters (D). I have solid opinion on either man and I really am already tired of hearing the ads for both of them.
However, I saw an ad today that kinda pissed me off. James is trying to attack Peters, who's the incumbent, for his and the rest of Washington's failure to respond to the pandemic quickly and appropriately. Fine, most politicians have struggled to handle the situation the best, but what gets me mad about this spot, is how the James campaign is targeting Peters directly for downplaying the virus back in February. Of course, the ad shows a less than one second long clip of Peters talking and fails to go any further in defending the attack.
What's the most ridiculous is that James, who initially was backing Ted Cruz prior to the 2016 Presidential election, now claims to support Trump. We all know how pathetic Trump's handling of everything has been. For fucks sake, Trump's initial reaction to the virus was to call it a Democratic hoax and it's been a slow uphill climb since then. Where's the outrage over that, Johnny? Where's the indignation over Trump's lack of support for health and safety standards put into place all over the world?
It's just more partisan bullshit that has cost me any and all respect for the GOP, especially when they put party before country, by never calling out Trump for his constant subpar and embarrassing behavior while in office.
Of course, there's the question of how James, as a black man, can also stand by silently as Trump continues to be, well, himself. However, I'm not qualified to really comment on how people of color should react to the world or how they should vote. I just wish James would take a stand against the obvious bullshit of the Trump administration.