So, I need to get something off my chest and quite frankly, I am not too concerned if anything I am about to say offends anyone. This is one of the few online communities of supposed like-minded people I can find so I am hoping some of what I am about to unload on you readers will ring true with at least one person. I feel like I am going insane and I could use a little validation. I am just typing this as I think it, with very little self-editing. I warn you, run-on sentences are in your future.
By now, most of you have heard about the dipshit doctor that the Trump administration is heralding due to her mostly religious tainted views on COVID and the “inefficiency” of wearing a mask. This doctor, whose name I do not care to bother learning, also is pushing hydroxychloroquine still, despite numerous reports that the drug is useless in treating the virus. I will say it has proven itself to be nowhere near as dangerous as doctors claim, but the moron-in-chief apparently takes it daily and he’s unfortunately still breathing.
Possible treasonous threats aside, the reason for this rant (which I will try to keep brief) is that I have developed such an extreme hatred for evangelicals over the past four years, that has only devolved into actively rooting for them to get sick, simply because of how they have reacted to the COVID outbreak. As of now, I doubt I will ever get married again and I am almost certain that I will never have kids. I could die tomorrow or in twenty years. Who knows? My own future is not a huge concern to me, but I do have family and acquaintances who do have big plans for their future. You, the reader, may have lofty goals you are in the midst of working towards. Call me an alarmist, but I feel like evangelicals, in particular, the ones of the Trump variety, are putting the very future of this country at risk.
It all boils down to misinformation and how is spreading even faster than the virus. Whether it is because these people are too, some may so ignorant but I will say, STUPID to know any better or if it is because they are somehow benefiting from lying, the astounding level of questionable information out there is staggeringly terrifying. I know we should try to not condemn people who don’t know how to think for themselves. We can try to meet them halfway and treat them like they just need a gentle nudge in the right direction, but to me it is obvious. There is no reasoning with these folks. They have lost touch with reality. They don’t care what logic and reason say, because they will not abandon their faith. I can kinda’ get that, but I have never had faith, so I can’t really truly relate.
Not even two years ago, I’m willing to assume that most people would take pause if they went to a buffet and saw that the place didn’t have sneeze guards and that the staff restocking the food didn’t wear gloves. If you were going to have surgery and the doctors walked into the operating room wearing cut-off jeans and tank tops, you might ask for a last-minute 2nd opinion on your condition. So, why, WHY?!?!? are so many people suddenly more well-informed on the nature of viruses and diseases than highly accredited and well-educated medical professionals? Why do we put more faith into the words of some nobody on Facebook than we do entire combined opinion of every single employee at just one doctor’s office? It wouldn’t be half as bad or infuriating if it wasn’t for the fact that the very President of the United States feeds into this lunacy?
How the hell do these people even manage to get into positions of power? Why, as is the case with the nitwit doctor that I referenced earlier, do these people even bother going to college if they believe everything can be fixed simply with prayer and/or a metaphorical “hemoglobinistic” bukkake from the messiah? I can’t see it as anything other than a low-key invasion of secular society. If jesus freaks can push the idea of a gay agenda, despite having zero evidence, I think I can safely state that I truly believe there is an evangelical agenda. That may not seem like a problem to most, but since we all love a good slippery slope situation, I can see a future where even the most spiritual of humanists could be at risk of losing the right to get married, have kids, or holding a job. That’s admittedly a huge stretch, but don’t pretend there aren’t plenty of mega church attendees who secretly wish to have a fully Judeo-Christian nation in every single aspect.
As I attempt to close in on a final thought, I will try to keep things more realistic. We have already seen the way the current Administration has impacted our courts with the numerous Conservative appointees. We’ve seen the sort of people the President closely associates himself with and how so many televangelists have anointed Trump as a Savior. We hear the constant attacks and fear mongering against the secular population, from pundits and politicians. It’s non-stop and has been worse over the last year as a new election draws near. Everything must become a political issue, even a damn pandemic. All the insane conspiracy theories and misinformation feels like a deliberate ploy to distract voters from the very real attempts to make voting more difficult by the GOP. It’s happening. Don’t believe me, go ahead, fight me.
The way so many crucial issues, regarding the preservation of the very planet, are so quickly discredited by the religious Right is disheartening. For a group of people so “pro-life”, they certainly do not seem to have much concern for it. While the Left has trouble not getting immediately offended by the smallest things, portions of the Right seem to revel in creating civil unrest, by clinging to “values” that focus on dividing us.
Seeing that Trump will happily throw Dr. Anthony Stephen Fauci, M.D. under the bus, simply because the reality of the situation doesn’t help Trump’s image, but, Trump, the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF ‘MURICA, will re-Tweet the comments of some “Dr. Nobody UM DEE,” even though that same physician claims that diseases are caused by having sex with demons, because this doc is also pushing the same advice Trump likes to hear, then what the fuck hope is there?
I just feel like there are way too many people out there drinking the Orange blood of christ and the fact that they all vote, makes me dread November.
TLDR: evangelicals are nuts and they vote. GO VOTE!!!!!