My brother, who owns some Three Percenters clothing items, because he just thought they looked cool and who flies the "Don't Tread On Me" flag because he doesn't like government overreach, recently made a trip down to Tennessee for the 4th of July. He made a stop to a distillery and bought a fancy bottle of whiskey, that he's now saving for a special occasion. No problem there, aside from the fact that the handwritten batch number on the bottle is *1488.*
I don't want to say my brother is a white supremacist Libertarian. He thinks Libertarians are nuts and he's not racist, but he says that Black Lives Matter is actually just a front for a secret Communist organization.
I suppose this is just all a hilarious coincidence, not the results of anything like how our mother has actually said she she hates anyone who isn't white, she uses slurs when talking about Asians, and whispers the word, "black" whenever talking about black people. It has nothing to do with how our dad is against interracial relationships and has said that our adopted cousin from South America will never be a real part of the family. The fact that my brother still supports Trump, even though he says he thinks Trump is an asshole, because my brother worries a Biden victory will mean more people like AOC and the "gang of four" will become more prevalent in Washington.
It's all just circumstantial hilarity.
I feel dead inside.