I could go on and on and on, in a self-righteous militantly atheistic rant and more or less shit all over religion and those who have faith. That would be counterproductive though and counterintuitive of how I really want to go about viewing things. So, that being said, do know that I am fully aware that there are plenty of truly good people out there who are religious/spiritual and there are plenty of horrible people out there who don't have any faith and vice versa. You don't need god to be a good person, but not believing in god doesn't make you better than everyone else. -inhales deeply-
I was raised Catholic until my parents got divorced. My mom did try to keep church in our (her three kids) lives for some time after that, but religion was never that important in my family and I thankfully missed out on all the indoctrination and toxicity that comes with modern religion. As I grew older, I just never really felt any connection to any gods or faiths and I admittedly developed a jaded mentality. While I have never experienced truly tragic suffering, I have seen people around me in pain. I have seen a cold and heartless world get worse and worse, especially over the last four years, and I always am left with the same question, "How could a truly all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving god let the world be the way it is?"
Flash forward to me as an adult, witnessing a world that has been swallowed up by ignorance, apathy, and panic. Seeing how someone like Donald Trump (I truly deeply hate this man) can be heralded by evangelicals, blows my mind. It baffles me that people have no faith whatsoever in Science, but they believe in a god that would allow a virus to even exist. Seeing how petty, childish, and inconsiderate so many of these confused pathetic people have proven themselves to be. The way people are so quick to turn on those who don't support Trump, seems awfully sacrilegious. Again, I could go on and on.
Essentially, if the pain and suffering in the world wasn't enough to make me doubt god, the way so many of his followers act is the last nail in the crucifix for me. I just don't believe in god, okay?