TV shows:
"Tales From the Loop" on Amazon Prime: based off of the work of a Swedish artist, the series is a more compelling and humanist version of "Stranger Things" meets "The Outer Limits" with music by Philip Glass and some incredibly striking visuals, the series weaves together separate narratives all set in a fictional Ohio town.
"Doom Patrol" on HBO Max: based off a long-running DC Comics property, this truly off the wall superhero series is the dangerous cousin that the X-Men wish they could be. The show features some great performances, especially like Alan Tudyk as season one's persistent 4th-wall breaking villain and show's narrator, Mr. Nobody. The series is hard to describe as many of the plotlines get so unusual, that it reminded me of Syfy's own dark comic book series, "Happy!" The show is funny, dark, and refreshingly inclusive. Definitely my current favorite show.
LCD Soundsystem: Okay, people. Where have you been keeping me this whole time? I mean, I have known of the band for quite some time now and I gathered they had a passionately loyal fan base, but I just can't recall listening to them before. That is, until lately. My constant playlist curating on Spotify must have finally knocked something loose from the service's algorithm, because they started suggesting a lot of LCDS. Funny enough, I already was familiar with a lot of their songs already as I had previously liked a lot of covers without knowing it. My current playlist, for when I'm high and just want to lay down in the dark, definitely has a few LCD Soundsystem tracks already.
Father John Misty: I'm only now getting familiar with his catalogue but this guy is great. He's what I'd imagine is the West Coasts version of Orville Peck. Whereas Peck's music evokes the feeling of a modern Wild West, Misty's music makes me feel like I'm having great time at a house party somewhere in the Hollywood Hills, but I don't know how my friends and I got there and none of us know whose house we're even at. I'd call it Chaotic Chill.
I don't read as much as I used to, but I read comics and graphic novels. That means the obligatory demand that you go read 'Saga' Yes, it is that good. I've got volume 3 of "American Gods" on order, but I started reading "Wonder Woman: Dead Earth" Set in the future, after a nuclear apocalypse, Wonder Woman awakens to a hellish landscape where she's the last member of the Justice League still alive. You might expectsuch a violent a gritty story about the character, but the art is great.
Um, that's about it. I've been trying to get more into the video game, Terraria lately, but there's more to the game than I thought. It's a relaxing time-killer at least.