I'll go ahead and admit it. I'm in a self-pitying mood today. One thing that has me so bummed is that I have not been able to connect with anyone from this site, who actually lives close enough by so we can possibly meet. I am not specifically just talking about dating. All dating apps have been a huge letdown. However, with this site in...
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Okay, folks. Please feel free to explain to me what the absolute worst thing there is that could be the result of having a gay/bi/trans kid, let alone having your children made aware that the LGBTQ community even exists in the first place. Also, be prepared to provide proof of this "terrible thing" being widely known to have happened. I won't accept fear-mongering and...
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I don't mean for this to come off as harsh as it sounds, I'm just willing to bet I'm not the only thing be have had this thought. It just didn't occur to me until 23 years later.

Anyway, does anyone else specifically remember this song as being one of the very first songs you even had heard by the band? I mean it's like,...
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Yes, this is going to be one of those, "I'm so lonely..." posts, but I'm home alone on a Saturday night, I'm high, and I have to work tomorrow morning anyway, so I may as well gripe and whine. It's been almost four years since I got divorced and I have had shit luck at trying to meet anyone new. I've never been comfortable in...
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I don't want to get too political here, but I'll start by saying, "Fuck Trump and his supporters."

That being said, we're in the thick of it for another election cycle and of course, COVID is a big issue for the candidates to fight over. Here in Michigan, the race for senator is between John James (R) and Gary Peters (D). I have solid opinion...
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(An email I sent to some people I know)

Hey all,

I hope this email finds you well and more or less sane. I am certain I am not the only one who feels like they are "looking at the world from the bottom of a well" these days. Whether it's the nonstop barrage of COVID-related news or reports of protesting and general...
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When people like my blog posts, have they actually read them? Lots of likes, but never a single response or comment.

ohhhhh  I wonder this all the time....specially cause I usually put a photo there too...so most people probs just like the photo and then scroll away haha x
I'm probably a little jaded, but since many of the likes I randomly get are from SG models I'm not that familiar with, I wonder if the likes are being left as a means of grabbing my attention. If I check out the pages of each model, I may be more likely to give positive feedback on their sets, which helps them gain notoriety on here. I mean, I get it, this is probably a competitive field, so getting more likes is beneficial. It's just that given the nature of some of my blog posts, I'm surprised that the people who like them, never have any thoughts of their own to share or advice to give. It's basically like posting on Reddit, I never get my feedback there either. Oh well, it's nice to get the likes at least and I try to return the favor.

This past weekend, my brother was once again trying to prop up my sister with another tough-love-esque pep talk. Without being too harsh on my family, the long and short of it is that my sister has never held onto a job for very long. She's always struggling financially and she has just about as shitty of self-esteem as I do. She is once again...
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Not sure what more else to say. I'm not terrible with my money, I don't make tons of superfluous purchases. I haven't got much to begin with. Most of my extra spending goes towards food. I don't cook at home much. It's hard to do when it's just me. It's not impossible either, it's just more convenient to pick up something from someplace like Taco...
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Granted, I'm not rooting for people to die and I do feel bad for those who get sick through not fault of their own. It's the ignorant, prideful fuck sticks that I'm done giving two shits about. The anti-science, anti-vax, "blood of jesus" assholes who are putting everyone else at risk, those people can all go fuck right off the face of the Earth.

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I think I have the same feeling as you. Here in my country the situation is getting worse and most of people only think of parties and Barbecue on weekends. The situation is worse and well, I only can think about one thing... it is sad when I see the news about people dying and getting infected, but meh”. I do not know what to think about this situation anymore