:: it is going to take me longer to graduate than i had anticipated. how did that happen? no idea. but i can either go at a mildly irritating pace and graduate may '06 (one year late) or bust my ass at breakneck pace and graduate (maybe) next december.
:: my room is a goddam pig sty, with boxes and packaging materials etc everywhere from ebay stuff im selling. i have horrible feng shui.
:: no one is joining to get the free ipod. well, one guy joined, but needs to finish up his activation requirement. want a free ipod? CLICK HERE
:: trying to set up a ginormous new years eve party at toms house. reasonable response so far.
:: its past my bed time and i am accomplishing nothing really. good night gorilla.
:: my room is a goddam pig sty, with boxes and packaging materials etc everywhere from ebay stuff im selling. i have horrible feng shui.
:: no one is joining to get the free ipod. well, one guy joined, but needs to finish up his activation requirement. want a free ipod? CLICK HERE
:: trying to set up a ginormous new years eve party at toms house. reasonable response so far.
:: its past my bed time and i am accomplishing nothing really. good night gorilla.

halo 2 doesn't suck. i'd recommend playing the first before the second. then you'll appreciate the second more. seems the more i play halo 2, the more i like it, especially the coop.