to do:
:: abstract and outline for public choice term paper. extraction and allocation of energy resources. inefficiencies and problems of equity.
:: proposal for east asian political economy term paper. topic: causes and effects of global shift in poverty in the last decades of the 20th century. argument for globalization and trade liberalization as propellants for increased well-being in east asian countries.
:: complete readings (montesquieu and rousseau) and write paper on the former and how well he does/doesn't fit into the civic republican tradition.
:: find time to spend with friends visiting from out of town.
:: abstract and outline for public choice term paper. extraction and allocation of energy resources. inefficiencies and problems of equity.
:: proposal for east asian political economy term paper. topic: causes and effects of global shift in poverty in the last decades of the 20th century. argument for globalization and trade liberalization as propellants for increased well-being in east asian countries.
:: complete readings (montesquieu and rousseau) and write paper on the former and how well he does/doesn't fit into the civic republican tradition.
:: find time to spend with friends visiting from out of town.