- on theuberdork's page
just a thought:
girls archives THIS MONTH alone:
1) Brittany
2) Spyro
3) Sicily
4) Dusty
5) Charlotte
6) Sita
7) Gillian
8) Annabelle
9) Apnea
10) Katie
11) Voltaire
12) Claudia
13) Rapture
14) Molly
15) Ciel
16) Genevive
17) Erica
18) Shera
19) Annie
20) MistiDawn
21) Les
22) Anarchie
23) ?
24) Stormy
25) Brixton
26) Kasara
REALLY.... interesting no?
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girls archives THIS MONTH alone:
1) Brittany
2) Spyro
3) Sicily

4) Dusty

5) Charlotte
6) Sita
7) Gillian
8) Annabelle
9) Apnea

10) Katie

11) Voltaire

12) Claudia

13) Rapture
14) Molly
15) Ciel

16) Genevive
17) Erica
18) Shera
19) Annie
20) MistiDawn
21) Les
22) Anarchie
23) ?
24) Stormy

25) Brixton
26) Kasara
REALLY.... interesting no?
for more...
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first things first:
the good news: There is an abundance (almost over abundance) of gorgeous beautiful pierced, and inked up girls in the world.
the bad news: None of them are at all interested in a relationship with me.
there really wasn't a second thing I just thought I'd try and use a clever way of showing others something I realized not long ago.
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the good news: There is an abundance (almost over abundance) of gorgeous beautiful pierced, and inked up girls in the world.
the bad news: None of them are at all interested in a relationship with me.
there really wasn't a second thing I just thought I'd try and use a clever way of showing others something I realized not long ago.
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You're such a sweet guy, and one of the only things that's made me smile lately is knowing that somewhere you're out there giving at least somewhat of a shit about me
Thanks for being there for me!
I'm going to give you the same advice you gave me...you're an awesome guy and somewhere out there there is an awesome girl, just for you. Although I've never believed that there is only one person that's right for someone, so in that case, there's a bunch of awesome girls out there and you're bound to meet one of them sooner or later. Keep your chin, up that's what I'm trying to do

I'm going to give you the same advice you gave me...you're an awesome guy and somewhere out there there is an awesome girl, just for you. Although I've never believed that there is only one person that's right for someone, so in that case, there's a bunch of awesome girls out there and you're bound to meet one of them sooner or later. Keep your chin, up that's what I'm trying to do

you can get a wacom for like 80$ for the smaller ones [4x5]. I did that on the smaller ones ... I like them better. I splurdged and got a 6x8 one for like 100$ on ebay .. they arent that expensive.
heyhey! won't be around much longer!! keep in touch!!
<3 Sare
<3 Sare
despite a miserable day there is ONE person that REALLY cheered me up... okay 2 people but 1 in particular that will read this. both of them listend to me rant and rave for hours and get some stuff off my chest... and I wish I could SHOW them just how much I appreciate them.
the one in particular my right this ... she knows...
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the one in particular my right this ... she knows...
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...Err, maybe this is a little assumptive, but were you talking about me?
And everything else you said, is exactly how I feel. Thank you for finding the appropriate words that I would use myself to express my own disatisfaction.
You rock. You should update your journal more often, I got a kick out of this one.

And everything else you said, is exactly how I feel. Thank you for finding the appropriate words that I would use myself to express my own disatisfaction.
You rock. You should update your journal more often, I got a kick out of this one.
yes of course it ws about you!
ahh I read O's Journal a long read... I didn't even realize SG was involved in any kind of legal actions. that sucks... I do like it here much more than any other "competitors" sites that are out there. if there is any site out there in the World Wide Web that I trust it is Suicide girls.
ahh I read O's Journal a long read... I didn't even realize SG was involved in any kind of legal actions. that sucks... I do like it here much more than any other "competitors" sites that are out there. if there is any site out there in the World Wide Web that I trust it is Suicide girls.
I went out for the first time in a long time on a saturday night. my friend and I stayed out pretty damn late... infact I didn't drag myself home until around 5am.
anyhow I think that's kinda what did it.
I'm sick.
it sucks I'm supposed to be looking for work, and getting my car fixed and not being a bum but well I'm...
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anyhow I think that's kinda what did it.
I'm sick.
it sucks I'm supposed to be looking for work, and getting my car fixed and not being a bum but well I'm...
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thanks a lot hun!!!
p.s. feel better!

p.s. feel better!
If I had magical powers that enabled me to make you feel better in one snap of a finger....that means I'd probably have the ability to start shit on fire with my mind too and that would rock.
...Oh, and I'd make you feel better, too.
...Oh, and I'd make you feel better, too.
I need to make a real entry for once.
but I don't really know what to write at the moment.
I need to get a job like yesterday. my spiffy little sun roof on my spiffy little 94 civic ex is all fuckered up.
it's not closing right and I have NO IDEA who to take it to to get it fixed... let alone if...
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but I don't really know what to write at the moment.
I need to get a job like yesterday. my spiffy little sun roof on my spiffy little 94 civic ex is all fuckered up.
it's not closing right and I have NO IDEA who to take it to to get it fixed... let alone if...
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Crap, I hope this doesn't offend you but what's yer frickin' SN again?
Hmm...I can understand why you'd say that, part of me feels the same way (about tattoos and the permanence thereof), but I've been avoiding getting tattoos for a couple years now for that reason, and I'm starting to realize that I'm only going to live once, and even if I get something that I will regret years down the road, it will still signify part of who I once was as a youngin'. No offense but if you're that squimish about girls getting tattoos, why the heck did you join SG?
The wings I want to get aren't going to take up my entire back, just my shoulder blades. I dunno if that will make you change your mind about "trying to stop me". I wanted to get them in a tribal sort of design, in fact, if I get more tattoos, I want them all to be tribal, because I've always been a big fan of symbols so it seems like something I will still like in a few years. I don't know...I appreciate the input though, now I'm afraid to get a tattoo now, thanks a lot

The wings I want to get aren't going to take up my entire back, just my shoulder blades. I dunno if that will make you change your mind about "trying to stop me". I wanted to get them in a tribal sort of design, in fact, if I get more tattoos, I want them all to be tribal, because I've always been a big fan of symbols so it seems like something I will still like in a few years. I don't know...I appreciate the input though, now I'm afraid to get a tattoo now, thanks a lot

....that was the funniest thing ever
....that was the funniest thing ever
okay fine I like getting comments, cause it encourages me to respond to other people's journals...
so in an effort to get more people to comment here I'm going to go off and pull some screenies I took playing wow..
oh yea I am that big of a dork.
so in an effort to get more people to comment here I'm going to go off and pull some screenies I took playing wow..
oh yea I am that big of a dork.
and Greg Faces the facts:
even when on makeoutclub.com nobody wanted to make out with greg.
[Edit]: in other news I finally saw "empire records" it was good, definately a new favorite movie for me
sorry no pictures as of yet.... so yea I don't really expect any responses.
even when on makeoutclub.com nobody wanted to make out with greg.

[Edit]: in other news I finally saw "empire records" it was good, definately a new favorite movie for me
sorry no pictures as of yet.... so yea I don't really expect any responses.
dude i'd totally make out with you!
and yes empire records is amazing!

and yes empire records is amazing!
see? no pictures = no comments.
the MMoRPG, not the feeling.
Actually I've been debating on whether or not I should read that book...since yet someone else is reading it and enjoying what it has to offer, I think I'll give it a go.
hmmm sophie sundays and stormy tuesdays? I'm not complaining or anything ...
but am kinda curious.
but am kinda curious.
oh my
well thank you 

Yay, I can finally see it this time! I still like the first yin-yang tattoo better 

can they zot you for the shit you say in a journal you pay to keep???
i think i've enough readers that i find the boards both unneccesary and too "look at me! look at me!"
i'm def cancelling too, but it's on the "every three months" billing cycle.
you will always know where to find me.
mostly I'm trying to concentrate on the parts I love about the site rather than getting caught up in the hatefest that it's become.