Had a busy day today, first went to see my physiciatrist (sp?) at about 9 am he listened and I talked he did decide to finally tone down one of my medications shoot I have to go take those hang on.....
OK sorry about that. He dropped one of my medications down to half of a pill for a week then I"ll...
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Tony, thank you, It is one of many more to come, this was the shoot where the guy got drunk.,,, Guess it works wink
Easter was good it was back to just the four of us. My sisters husband refused to come becuase well becuase hes an ass. mad But other than that the food was good conversation was lively and all and all the day was a success.

I"ve taken advange of my new computers new speed and capabilites downloading the godfather game and also two cds the fort...
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yep my computer's pretty badddd. lol. i reformated it tho.

i hope the weekend's going well.
i went to the buffet, after some weird arse party @_@

lol. take care smile
cha-ching wink
thank you !

and i added u on my AIM , so when u get on, ill IM u . mines : awryalky

and yeah. it's a great feeling passing exams.
it's like super uplifting haha.

take care and have the greatest weekend smile kiss
eheheheh...berlusconi has a lot of problems with justice and he was/is on trial for a lot of reasons connected to corruption and other sweet thinks like this. don't ask me WHY a person with these kind of troubles can be the premier of a civil country for 5 years...btw, i bet this is the reason the newspaper has called him "godfather"
For the past week I have updating on my new Dell Xps 400. What a machine its insanely fast and there's absoluly no lag time. There shouldn't be with a 2.8 Dual core pentium prococessor and a 160 gig hard drive. Also it came with 1 gig of DDR RAM a beast of a machhine. I plan on getting doom 3 for it so I...
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Dude that was totally by coincidence, i did not find him, he found me, he left a message on my home machine, i am shutting off my home phone this month, since i got a new cell plan and i never use my home phone anyway. funny i havn't thought about him since i just asked you last week if you knew him. We talked him Up, that is so odd.
cool pic !! biggrin
This week has been a really good week. Monday I helped my mom though her depression with the help of my father. I found out that sometimes she also feels suicidal. But that shes very unhappy wth the condtion with the shape of the house. So as soon as my parents get some money or when I get my check (which should be in a...
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lol coconut monkey biggrin

ah . do u use aim ?
Uoaaaaaaaa i'm on tenterhoooooooookssss!!!
We have to wait for the flat because it's not ready. Work in progress. smile
Recently I've had a bad patch of emotional and monetary luck all brought on by unknown factors. I really don't want to talk about it all becuase really some of it is embarrisng and quite stupid looking back on and I'm just trying to get on with my life.

But let me ask you guys this....if someone goes from 0-60 in a matter of minutes...
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i guess you gotta know the artist to find humor in the blood and guts of my pups, funny he left it on my desk at work, you can imagine how horrified but pleased at the same time when i saw it. anthing haveing to do with my pups is great to me.

all of his illustrations and work is pretty much violent and usually has cute kids and animals included.
BTW, i know RI isn't that big, but i use to have a old pen pal there years ago when i was a kif, the last name is Guadagno, Michael, prob around my age, ring any bells? prob around Providenc or Fedral hill.
Ahh mondays, well ok technically its tuesday but whatever. Time to reflect what happened over the weekend. LIke helping your parents go to the market, or watching Jarhead, (which by the way I didn't think was that good at all, but it was historically acurate) and think about knocking your father out.

Yes folks we had a knockdown drag out freefor all at the Mucci...
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gosh being a son must be tough sometimes...
because i know being a daughter is crazy.

hope it shall be ok biggrin
thanks sugar smile

(btw i put in a couple of pics i've done in the past for fairy gothmother just for you wink )
this is a test post and unfortuntily it is still runnitng way too slow. Now lets see if it taskes any less time. well I found my problem....I just have to let this page load up. I will update with all good news tonight when I come home. hopefully youse guys will read it and enjoy my oh so witty repitore.
yay for test post. haha.

and thanks for understanding where im coming from. i guess now that school's back, i wont have time to worry too much .. i gotta try to pass math class @_@

take care smile
This and that and of course the SG girls
hey there, thanks for writing me! im glad to hear from you. cause like yeah being grey is something, it's like being absent from an aspect of something.. i guess lots has been going on, but im on spring break now so im trying to chill out and relax. i def need it. and to answer ur questions, no im not seeing anyone, i talk to some people who are potentially dateable but im also trying to focus on my art more. i havent been to the movies in ages , well i did see Nightwatch. thats the last movie ive been to. it was pretty good... definitely a mind trip for me. i need that nowadays.. because ive been so caught up with school and whatever it does to me. its something ..

the pcd cd is pretty cool. i mean the music's like hip for the pop culture aspect i guess. it's nice. i havent heard a lot of the songs but there are some that i listen to every now and then. and thanks for the news on godsmack, i love sully, i wanna like marry that dude lol. but yeah i like godsmack, cool stuff i look forward to their cd.

so how are things so far?
i hope well. ill talk to ya soon.
take care of yourself smile
he was from Penthouse, And testing for Playboy. I just wrote him last weekend telling him that I have never been so intimdated to shoot, but since i have to present to his wife/manager, i need everything to be perfect, and I have stalled. but i told him lets just shoot something nsexy damn it!
I hate slow computers mad
the reason I"m posting this way is because when I try to post the normal way it takes waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too long. I have some sort of lag or something. But I"m using an ancient computer. Anyway just wanted to say hey to all my old and maybe and new readers of my good old Sg blog. Thanks to all that reupped there friend membership with me much appreciated. I have lots to comment on but I'll leave that for another post. Just know that life is good, for a guy with no job, no real girl, and who occassially loses his mind. Hey nobody is perfect and its fun to a little nuts every now and then. biggrin [eace homeslices.

Hey Tony! My water is back on so no worries there, married life is great, and the salon is....ok I guess. The darts on the other hand are not going so well. You see, there is this little thing called practice that I haven't done in a loooonngggg time. blush

I hate slow computers too. I love cable!