Welp I feel a bit better....still have neckpain and am wearing a soft neck coller so I dont jerk it around too much (heheh) Still no goddamn rental yet so I'm relying on my dad to drive me around which really sucks. I hate having to ask him to do this but of course all my frineds are all of sudden MIA oh well. The cadiallc that I was trying to sell waaaaayyyyyy back in december i still have so when the time comes I'm going to trade that in along with teh insureance money so hopefully I'll be able to get a decent lilttle car.
I need coffee hang on.
OK back things with this girl are going well as soon as I get a car she just wants to go out and get drunk hey whatever floars your boat hun. not that I would ever take advantage of a situation like that I just find it a very odd thing to say to someone.
My nitrates in my fish tank are still really high...I'm stuck as what to do..I"ve done everything I can as far as water changes and chemcials...luckily I havenet lost anybody yet but its irratitaing as hell to have something wrong with the tank. any suggetstions.
OK I have to go to get paperwork for the cadiallc then to pauly pentas for lunch...I"ll talk to you all tonight or tomorrow. HOpe you all had a great day.
-T <-----is hating this heat.
I need coffee hang on.
OK back things with this girl are going well as soon as I get a car she just wants to go out and get drunk hey whatever floars your boat hun. not that I would ever take advantage of a situation like that I just find it a very odd thing to say to someone.
My nitrates in my fish tank are still really high...I'm stuck as what to do..I"ve done everything I can as far as water changes and chemcials...luckily I havenet lost anybody yet but its irratitaing as hell to have something wrong with the tank. any suggetstions.
OK I have to go to get paperwork for the cadiallc then to pauly pentas for lunch...I"ll talk to you all tonight or tomorrow. HOpe you all had a great day.
-T <-----is hating this heat.
happy to hear your feeling "a bit" better. have a good day. stay cooool!
I have to go out and buy one of those testing kits soon...I htought of that...but I thought since my fish monk is fit, it would be okay....maybe he's stronger because he's HUGE. Ill have to stop by Dr Dolittles today. Hey...I hope you feel better...where do you guys think you'll be getting tipsie at?