Well I finsihed the first week of work and I gotta tell you I love this job. Granted I don't know everyithing yet, but how cool is it to everyday meet new people and make them happy by putting them in a new car. It's great. My sales approach is diffrent than anybody else's as well, I don't BS the customer one bit, if I don't know something, honestly I don't know it I ask my sales manager and he'll get that info for you. It's a good feeling to know I"m not huslting anyone. He likes that about me, he says what I lack in product knowledge I make up for in personality and when I do know more about the product I should be a top seller. Which was great to hear in just my first 5 days of work.
The hours are really long however which leeves me with no social life, but I rather have that and be making money and saving for my future then just hanging around and doing nothing. I'll make time for the importing things when the come up..I always have and alwyas will, Its what I do.
The people are the only thing thar really suck. Other than my boss the sales manager the other reps are real mean to each other...I mean out and out just nasty but not face to face. Everyinng is said behind peoples back which is sad but I guess its part of the business I think I'll stay out of that and just be the one who listens and nods mostly. Better to not get involed.
Other than work thas all that happned this week...oh yea I have a cold LOL...that sukced but hey shit happens and you keep going. I may be going to a very sexy gurls b-day party if she gives me the low down on it
Other than that I'll try to stay updated and talk to you all as much as poeeible. You guys are the best and I wouldn't want to not talk to you becuase of work. I have sundays and thursdays off The rest of my schedule is 12 -10 hour days
So I may miss some updates. Don't get too mad at me. Talk to you all soon.
The hours are really long however which leeves me with no social life, but I rather have that and be making money and saving for my future then just hanging around and doing nothing. I'll make time for the importing things when the come up..I always have and alwyas will, Its what I do.
The people are the only thing thar really suck. Other than my boss the sales manager the other reps are real mean to each other...I mean out and out just nasty but not face to face. Everyinng is said behind peoples back which is sad but I guess its part of the business I think I'll stay out of that and just be the one who listens and nods mostly. Better to not get involed.
Other than work thas all that happned this week...oh yea I have a cold LOL...that sukced but hey shit happens and you keep going. I may be going to a very sexy gurls b-day party if she gives me the low down on it

I did have a good day, thank you.
The hours aren't such a big deal. But the problem is I work for my in-laws at their home. So 55 hours with them gets to be a lot. But at least at work I can be with my husband or kid and stuff. But still.....