So I started the job today...of course it was pouring. My duties right now are very limtied basiacally I just have to make sure all the lanes are clean and cutmer parking is clogged with servie cars and so some odd and ends stuff. Everyone make me feel real welcome (there all a buch of guidos' like me
) It's not really a pressure job but I was a nrevous wreck today. just moving all these really expenxeive cars as opposed to my unlves beaters I just wanted to make a good impression the first day and not screw up. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be a bit more relaxed and the weather will cooperate a bit more. I was acutally sent home early becuase they ran out of things for me to do. Hmm..hopefully that was the reason. I think it was. Just nerce-wracking to be working again after so long. I actaully have a splitting headache becuase I'm so stressd, imagine that. oh well tomorrow it only get better.
I hope you all had a wonderful easter. i had a big ass lasagna spent it with the famailly...just the five of us couting my future brother in law who basially lives here. how was your weekend.

I hope you all had a wonderful easter. i had a big ass lasagna spent it with the famailly...just the five of us couting my future brother in law who basially lives here. how was your weekend.
Congrats on the job!!! I just know it's all going to work out for you!!!