What is it about me that people don't like....am I not good looking...seriously I always had a complex about this and people said nah your allright mucci...maybe they were wrong maybe I'm just not that good looking. Is it my people skills I know I'm not the most exciting person on the planet but I 'm a litle shy and once you get too know my I'm pretty funny. Am I evil is that. Do I go around and just randomly do bad things to people. If any body has answers for me please let me know cuz I'm just about giving up....serioulsy. no joke. what the fuck is the point if I can't even go out meet someone and they don't want to even talk to you after seeing your face for 30 seconds. Now maybe this is all one big mix up but I tend to doubt it considering every time I call i get voice mail and I try to leave messages and no retrun call.. It's just real depressing to have thte feeling that your not wanted by anyone anymore. What's the point in trying if your going to constantly get rejected every single gime. and usally I teke rejedtion well hell it happnes enough. but man theres only so many times a guy can get kicked in the balls. So I guess I'll just be lonely for now like I alwyas am stay at home with my father as horrid as that may sound to some people and do my thing. Hell I'm death everyitng I touch gets ruined.