DTA...ahh words almost anyone in the millitary should have lived by. "Don't trust anybody". Not your CO's not your frineds, nobody, Why becuase someone is going to find out who you are and report if your really a worthwhile human being or not. Keeps the shitbirds out and lets you know that a guy in a foxhole with you wont stab you while your sleeping.
I'm feeling much better after talking to some people and realizing that I'm not doing anything wrong and while I'm not gettting immediate results I should keep doing what I do best and be the type of person that I am and not change myself.
If I've leaned one thing it's to always know yourself so that you can know others *zen moement*
So my day was actually somewhat good considering it was like the 22nd valentines I've been single
Went to the docotrs early and he wants to try upping a dosage of my migrane meds and orderd an MRI and a CT scan for my brain next month. I just wish it was sooner but eh what can you do.
I drove my cousin to the car lot to pickup his car (a 2000 BMW quite spiffy but over my monthly payments ) Anway while I was there I was able to nag the finance guy a bit and found out that my credit socre should be way wayy good enough to get a car loan when I want one so as soon as june rolls around I should be all set *fingers crossed*
Again I had a headaches so not much else after that well the gym for a bit but i was all dizzy and what not. and weighs and dizziness are not a good combo.
So I hope you all had a splendid day and I will talk to most of you tomorrow...the rest....as Connan once said "To hell wih you"
I just want to point out want a freakin amazing SG lucylynne is she looks good in almost every pic and this is the best part she actually updates almost every day and responds. So go stop by and say hello.
Musc on: Godsmack - Touche
Question of the day: Do you like it when your parrtner talks dirty in beddepends on mood
Random Fact: I have never once used a steroide. All the people I used to train with allways used to take them. even know the guy thet owns the gym I go to sells them but I refuse. I like my balls the size they are thanks.
I'm feeling much better after talking to some people and realizing that I'm not doing anything wrong and while I'm not gettting immediate results I should keep doing what I do best and be the type of person that I am and not change myself.
If I've leaned one thing it's to always know yourself so that you can know others *zen moement*
So my day was actually somewhat good considering it was like the 22nd valentines I've been single
Went to the docotrs early and he wants to try upping a dosage of my migrane meds and orderd an MRI and a CT scan for my brain next month. I just wish it was sooner but eh what can you do.
I drove my cousin to the car lot to pickup his car (a 2000 BMW quite spiffy but over my monthly payments ) Anway while I was there I was able to nag the finance guy a bit and found out that my credit socre should be way wayy good enough to get a car loan when I want one so as soon as june rolls around I should be all set *fingers crossed*
Again I had a headaches so not much else after that well the gym for a bit but i was all dizzy and what not. and weighs and dizziness are not a good combo.
So I hope you all had a splendid day and I will talk to most of you tomorrow...the rest....as Connan once said "To hell wih you"
I just want to point out want a freakin amazing SG lucylynne is she looks good in almost every pic and this is the best part she actually updates almost every day and responds. So go stop by and say hello.
Musc on: Godsmack - Touche
Question of the day: Do you like it when your parrtner talks dirty in beddepends on mood
Random Fact: I have never once used a steroide. All the people I used to train with allways used to take them. even know the guy thet owns the gym I go to sells them but I refuse. I like my balls the size they are thanks.
thanks for the cd and thanks for the heads up. i dont know who to believe but any insight into how NOT to be played is always helpful