Thanks for all your comments all, I appreciate all of them...they really do cheer me up.
I treid to call my boss at home last night to find out if we're going this morniing since all I get lately is his voicemail and no retrun phone call. So what do I get 3 seperate times his kids hang up on me.
So again I leave a voiicemial and nothing so I decided rather than not getting enough sleep and being half awake all night waiting for a phone call to say "ffuck it" and just turn the phone off. I may have missed a day but oh well. I'm nobody's stooge and nobody's gonna dick me around either. Yea I need the money but hey I can make the sacrafice if I need too.
On a lighter note I've added two wonderful SG's to my favorites india and raine Indea is an old favorite who I absolutly love and Raine is brand new (well her set is anyway) you should stop by both there journals and say hi. Very nice women by the way.
Hey is anyone exicted about the Pats being in the superbowl again...i know I am....I just hope they don't take the Eagles for granted....if they do win they have to be considered a modern day dynasty, which would so kick ass.
I got a new supplier in my car operation. This guy is alot more reliable., I've known him for years. So as soon as I can get rid of this caddy on to another car.
Well that's if for now...I'm going to relax play with my cats for awhile. I hope you all have great days.
Question of the day: You favorite mens cologne on a guy (obviously guys your excluded)
Random fact: It really kinda annoys me when people dont comment in your journal. for exampl you commet every time they post and from them nothing...I kinda find that rude...I know some people are busy but I still find it a bit rude. I'm sure you all do too.
I treid to call my boss at home last night to find out if we're going this morniing since all I get lately is his voicemail and no retrun phone call. So what do I get 3 seperate times his kids hang up on me.

On a lighter note I've added two wonderful SG's to my favorites india and raine Indea is an old favorite who I absolutly love and Raine is brand new (well her set is anyway) you should stop by both there journals and say hi. Very nice women by the way.
Hey is anyone exicted about the Pats being in the superbowl again...i know I am....I just hope they don't take the Eagles for granted....if they do win they have to be considered a modern day dynasty, which would so kick ass.
I got a new supplier in my car operation. This guy is alot more reliable., I've known him for years. So as soon as I can get rid of this caddy on to another car.
Well that's if for now...I'm going to relax play with my cats for awhile. I hope you all have great days.
Question of the day: You favorite mens cologne on a guy (obviously guys your excluded)
Random fact: It really kinda annoys me when people dont comment in your journal. for exampl you commet every time they post and from them nothing...I kinda find that rude...I know some people are busy but I still find it a bit rude. I'm sure you all do too.
check your email when you get a chance.....
and as for cologne....Im an old fan of Drakkar and Eternity. yum yum yum yum yummmmmmmmm
And the full face shot of me is up on my journal with my piercings. Sorry the pic sucks, but I only have a camera phone for now.