Well your looking at the biggest ass on the face of the earth.
I snapped at somone last night that I had absolutly no right to get mad at and what should have been plain as day wasn't for that I am sorry. Hopefully if there even reading this they can fogive me for a minute and read my email.
No car s at the auction today. I did some studying and saw what went for what. A sweet 97 BMW with 128,000 went for 7 change fully loaded and in good conditon. Damn I need to get rid of this caddy so I can keep on movin up the food chain. Cap you interested?
I think I;m going to get some good beet tonight mayeb some microbrew stuff.
I almost lit a cigeratte last night I was so upset with myself. But I didn't this will make week 3 I belive.
What do you all think of my new pic. I think it's hillarious.
Well that's it for now kiddos hope you're all doing good.
Question of the day: what do you like least about yourself. face
Random Fact none today

No car s at the auction today. I did some studying and saw what went for what. A sweet 97 BMW with 128,000 went for 7 change fully loaded and in good conditon. Damn I need to get rid of this caddy so I can keep on movin up the food chain. Cap you interested?

I think I;m going to get some good beet tonight mayeb some microbrew stuff.
I almost lit a cigeratte last night I was so upset with myself. But I didn't this will make week 3 I belive.
What do you all think of my new pic. I think it's hillarious.
Well that's it for now kiddos hope you're all doing good.
Question of the day: what do you like least about yourself. face
Random Fact none today

i think my nose is the worst part of my face-i wanted a nose job for the longest time and i think if i had all kinds of money i would get one
my sis has the cutest little nose....
funny but chris actually thinks my nose is my most distinguished facial feature
whats ugly to one is beautiful to another
i think i need braces or something? well its not bad at all, i just feel i do.
and i like ur picture! haha. its cool.
hope things work out alright with the snappingness.
take care, and thanks.
oh i wont be able to figure u out til a while... yep a while it is