Ahhhh help in being over taken by bills
OK it's not that bad but I just hate the months after christmas when stuff starts to oome in.
i watched the Return of the King last night as it was one of my christmas gifts. I fogor what a real good movie it was. Quite happy and I got the special ed. so it's even longer
Regular season for the NFL is over today
Luckily the pats are going to be in the playoffs so that will kill a few more sundays (and a super bowel sunday) Other than that nothing sports related. More time to think AHHHH
Everyone stop by muse25's journal She has an icky stomach bug and hasn't been feeling well. Get better soon hun
I'm taking ideas for a new set...any help would be appreciated. Keep in mind my camera sucks, and I don't have alot to spend on props.
Well that's it for now..if something else comes up I'll let you all know.
Question of the day: Where do you see yourself in 1 year.?
Ransom fact: (you'll all like this one) I once called an amateuar porn place when I was looking to make some money. I had to send in 8X10's of my cock...Imgine the precessor at CVS that day.

i watched the Return of the King last night as it was one of my christmas gifts. I fogor what a real good movie it was. Quite happy and I got the special ed. so it's even longer
Regular season for the NFL is over today

Everyone stop by muse25's journal She has an icky stomach bug and hasn't been feeling well. Get better soon hun

I'm taking ideas for a new set...any help would be appreciated. Keep in mind my camera sucks, and I don't have alot to spend on props.
Well that's it for now..if something else comes up I'll let you all know.
Question of the day: Where do you see yourself in 1 year.?
Ransom fact: (you'll all like this one) I once called an amateuar porn place when I was looking to make some money. I had to send in 8X10's of my cock...Imgine the precessor at CVS that day.

(evil grin)
brian and i sent tons of pics to cvs of me naked and playing with myself and me doing other naughty acts. im sure the photo crew was just thrilled.
in a year i think i will be almost done with the master's program at ric...
hopefully ill be looking for teaching jobs...
it would be nice to have found that "someone" by then, too but one cannot ask for too much
happy new year! and i will go and visit our friend...