Well today was still a good day despite an emegency visit to the dentist. My tooth has been given me probelms....so one you guys need to come knock it outta my head for me
Auction tomorrow....hopefully it will be a quick day..its so fucking cold I can't stand it. I can't even work on my car. and. that ....that;s not cool.
I got the answer I was looking for today.
Very good news indeed. I also got to give someone there christmas present hopefully they liked it.
Special thanks to everyone that has wished me well the last few days. My slowly recoving body appreicates it.
Bring on 2005
Craving of the day Anbesol
Question of the day: Do you prefer being overheated or freezing. I personally like hot....you can always get naked.
Ransom fact two weeks ago today I stopped smoking yea me.

Auction tomorrow....hopefully it will be a quick day..its so fucking cold I can't stand it. I can't even work on my car. and. that ....that;s not cool.
I got the answer I was looking for today.

Special thanks to everyone that has wished me well the last few days. My slowly recoving body appreicates it.

Bring on 2005
Craving of the day Anbesol

Question of the day: Do you prefer being overheated or freezing. I personally like hot....you can always get naked.
Ransom fact two weeks ago today I stopped smoking yea me.

You probably listened to Gwen's new song that is also the video thats been on MTV and VH1. I like that song, but unfortunately the rest of the album was kinda off the wall. I love her anyway though!