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Hmm....well the war in Fellujah seems to be going well. It was annocend today by a LT. Col that all of the City was secure except for a few small pockets is secure. This is good news. and since I didn't hear that my bud went and did anything stupid and got blown up hey that's a good thing.
After I posted my journal entry I had a cig. First one in over 2 months. What seemed like God talking to me my headache seemed to vanish. I've had a few here and there over the weekend and....no headache
So do I go and have a headache everyday but not smoke or so I smoke and risk possible lung cancer and of course being treated like a damn crack addict on side st.
Which brings me to Sat.
I was at my Karate dinner. ( I was formally awarded my 3rd degree) When I had to go to the bar to have a cigar. No biggie I can live with that. When all these people in our system from FL to MA and RI kept coming up getting there drinks and stared at me. Finally one rather nasty lady came up to me and basically lectured to me about how she dosen't want to inhale smoke all night, her and my body is a temple that I shouldn't be smoking...how could I be doing such an awful thing. For 20 fucking Minutes I had to hear this bimbo rag on me. I was so pissed off. Like I need to be lectured too about smoking. So I got up...went back to my table, excused myself and left. I defanitly don't need that bullshit, I mean cmon can't I at least have a cigar at a bar which is the designated area in peace. Nope your a smoker...even though we don't mind using your tax dollars we hate you and want to make your life hell. err
It was bad enough I was there by myself at the thing.
But other than that weekend went well
I'm getting a ktttttttteeeeeeeennnnnnn.......
A friends cat is due to have kittends any day and once there old enough I should be able to take one home...I'm so happy. I love animals.
Well I hope you all enjoyed your weekend....Tuesday I think I'll ask that girl out
Hmm....well the war in Fellujah seems to be going well. It was annocend today by a LT. Col that all of the City was secure except for a few small pockets is secure. This is good news. and since I didn't hear that my bud went and did anything stupid and got blown up hey that's a good thing.
After I posted my journal entry I had a cig. First one in over 2 months. What seemed like God talking to me my headache seemed to vanish. I've had a few here and there over the weekend and....no headache
Which brings me to Sat.
I was at my Karate dinner. ( I was formally awarded my 3rd degree) When I had to go to the bar to have a cigar. No biggie I can live with that. When all these people in our system from FL to MA and RI kept coming up getting there drinks and stared at me. Finally one rather nasty lady came up to me and basically lectured to me about how she dosen't want to inhale smoke all night, her and my body is a temple that I shouldn't be smoking...how could I be doing such an awful thing. For 20 fucking Minutes I had to hear this bimbo rag on me. I was so pissed off. Like I need to be lectured too about smoking. So I got up...went back to my table, excused myself and left. I defanitly don't need that bullshit, I mean cmon can't I at least have a cigar at a bar which is the designated area in peace. Nope your a smoker...even though we don't mind using your tax dollars we hate you and want to make your life hell. err
But other than that weekend went well
I'm getting a ktttttttteeeeeeeennnnnnn.......
Well I hope you all enjoyed your weekend....Tuesday I think I'll ask that girl out
...and stop smoking, but do it in a way that your body doesn't know you are!
i hope he finds a death metal chick that makes him smile..
i love kittens---meow--