I'm at 130 in the morning.....with a spitting headache....and I've probally not eaten for over 12 hours now. Myabe b/c half of tha ttime I've been puking Air. My god Anthony what's wrong....Friday the bombshell of bombshells got dropped on me. I have to make a speech tomorrow at a party..not just any party my Unlces 90th B-day pary....that's right the last Mucci has to make a speech to "the first Mucci" as it were. What the fuck...they coudn't tell me this shit in advance...I hate public speaking....There's going to be people there I don't even know. This is awful...this is worse than awful. To top it all off the whole thing is going to be videotaped. ugghhh...why couldnt I just go there and look good....oh man...i gotta get back to this speech.
One other thing...I may be getting a furball....if I do I'll be sure to post pics...to all those that asked how I was feeling this news was droppeed on me Friday...not a good weekend...did I mention the party is Tomorrow.
One other thing...I may be getting a furball....if I do I'll be sure to post pics...to all those that asked how I was feeling this news was droppeed on me Friday...not a good weekend...did I mention the party is Tomorrow.

thanks for the sweet words.