So steak wins....which means that's what I'll have for dinner tonight...of course I probally won't be able to eat when the Sox are on.
I honest to god have no idea what the hell else is going on in the country. There could be a cold war again and I wouldn't know. Tonight is the Pivital game 7 then hopefully
the world series.
I had to go up to New Hampsire yesterday to pick up cars after my X-ray. Which was both good and bad. Good news no cracked rib..bad news...maybe a cracked disk
So another test speicically an MRI tomorrow at 6AM. Sheesh don't these people sleep in at all.
I loved loved loved...did I mention loved India's new set...it totally klcked major ass...if you havne' t seen it go know or I may be forced to use voodo on youdo.
Cap has a real good journal entry you all shoudl read and comment on....his writein skill are quite good.
Well that's all for now kids....waiting to see if I need to go to framingham to pick up more cars. Hopefully I will cuz that's more money and that's never bad.
Food of the moment: Chinease
Question of the day: Do you belive in Curses?
Fact of the day: I am only 50% Itallian. While we don't really discuss it I am also a quarter Syrian, English and a hint of Native American...I would make one hell of a reicpe..Do I sound tasty?
So steak wins....which means that's what I'll have for dinner tonight...of course I probally won't be able to eat when the Sox are on.

I had to go up to New Hampsire yesterday to pick up cars after my X-ray. Which was both good and bad. Good news no cracked rib..bad news...maybe a cracked disk

I loved loved loved...did I mention loved India's new set...it totally klcked major ass...if you havne' t seen it go know or I may be forced to use voodo on youdo.
Cap has a real good journal entry you all shoudl read and comment on....his writein skill are quite good.
Well that's all for now kids....waiting to see if I need to go to framingham to pick up more cars. Hopefully I will cuz that's more money and that's never bad.
Food of the moment: Chinease
Question of the day: Do you belive in Curses?
Fact of the day: I am only 50% Itallian. While we don't really discuss it I am also a quarter Syrian, English and a hint of Native American...I would make one hell of a reicpe..Do I sound tasty?

and now we can all go to sleep at a decent hour for the first time in a week
i am going to chill with my friend alicia friday night and we are going to come up with a list of things we would like the house to have (of course we dont expect to get everything, but you get the idea) everyone's been just so damned tired cuz of the ball games. i should have something by the end of the weekend
oh and the red sox fucking rock my world!