I hate it when my computer crahses err.
I like the new parts of SG...have you tried them. The match thing is nice...one of the main reasons I joined to was to find somebody...not to be ultra serious with so don't be scared of me.
Just someone to go out and have a good time with...dancing alone does not work for a guy.
I want all your opinions on ages and dating...does it matter if he's younger than you ladies or she's older than you guys. Personally I loook for maturity..she could be 28 and act like she's still 16. Verrrrry annoying.
Speaking of opinions...where the hell are you guys...I know I don't have that many friends but cmon a simple hey nice to see your not dead would be nice.
I hope the redsox do well in the Post.
2 weeks without a cigeratte, go my team.
Random fact about yours truly. I spend more money on bird food in the winter than I do on some of my credit card bills....hey the poor things are cold and hungry...let's see you not feed em.
I like the new parts of SG...have you tried them. The match thing is nice...one of the main reasons I joined to was to find somebody...not to be ultra serious with so don't be scared of me.

I want all your opinions on ages and dating...does it matter if he's younger than you ladies or she's older than you guys. Personally I loook for maturity..she could be 28 and act like she's still 16. Verrrrry annoying.
Speaking of opinions...where the hell are you guys...I know I don't have that many friends but cmon a simple hey nice to see your not dead would be nice.

I hope the redsox do well in the Post.
2 weeks without a cigeratte, go my team.
Random fact about yours truly. I spend more money on bird food in the winter than I do on some of my credit card bills....hey the poor things are cold and hungry...let's see you not feed em.

That bird food story is cute.
