Thump a da thump themp themp
yep thats me. I have no idea what the hell that means but it had a good beat. I am finally streaking the hair Sat. I actually am a little sad is that.
Pats play 1 pm Sunday first time this season...thank god for that...I've had to wait till 4 and that's just wrong. I have a new tastes like fruit punch.
My critters are doing well after having to go to the vet...back to there ultra lazy selves. I really really wish I had something to eat right now..yea it's almost 3 but I;m hunngry...I need. . . PIE The debates were quite boring...I didn't feel like either candidtate made a strong case.
What's your favorite beer, that is if you have one. I love almost all Sam Adams.
Random Fact. I love me who do you love.
yep thats me. I have no idea what the hell that means but it had a good beat. I am finally streaking the hair Sat. I actually am a little sad is that.

My critters are doing well after having to go to the vet...back to there ultra lazy selves. I really really wish I had something to eat right now..yea it's almost 3 but I;m hunngry...I need. . . PIE The debates were quite boring...I didn't feel like either candidtate made a strong case.
What's your favorite beer, that is if you have one. I love almost all Sam Adams.
Random Fact. I love me who do you love.