OK, so for those of you that don't know I have been taking martial arts for about 4 yr=ears now. Right now I am concentraitng on control. Meaing when I puch into someone or do a techinique I don't take there head off. Goodskill to have. Anyway last night we had sparring...I was put against this 250 lbs. guy now I'm only about 160 on a good day but not not tooitng my own horn I'm stron as fuck. This guy decides he dosen't want to use control and ensues to beat th eholy shit out of me. Well that ain't gonna fly. So the second round I come in and break and the fuckers nose, and i GET IN TROUBLE. What the Fuck. I mean he was the one that couldn't play nice. So I'm banned for a 2 weeks to cool my jets I suppose.
How many of you think this is fucked up as well.
Good news...I finally found a fucking therapist that's willing to see me. I start on monday so hopefully this one actually litens to what I have to say. Usually I just use this as an outlet and nothing else. I try not to burden others with my problems but everyone needs to vent to a person now and then.
Real good news from the war on terror, my buddy finally was able to send email and a letter the other day so at least I know he's still alive....very reliveing, I think when he has some time off I'm gonna fly his sorry butt out here and hang out for awhile.
Added a few black and white pics of me that I was just messing around with in photosuite. Take a lookie
Random fact about Anthony, I hate when people call you and have nothing to say usally it's "so what are you doing" "nothing what's up" "Oh nothing just wanted to call and say hi" Dammmit if you don't have something to say that's at least somewhat important then don't call, I hate the phone as is, don't make jump though there and kick your ass.

Good news...I finally found a fucking therapist that's willing to see me. I start on monday so hopefully this one actually litens to what I have to say. Usually I just use this as an outlet and nothing else. I try not to burden others with my problems but everyone needs to vent to a person now and then.
Real good news from the war on terror, my buddy finally was able to send email and a letter the other day so at least I know he's still alive....very reliveing, I think when he has some time off I'm gonna fly his sorry butt out here and hang out for awhile.
Added a few black and white pics of me that I was just messing around with in photosuite. Take a lookie
Random fact about Anthony, I hate when people call you and have nothing to say usally it's "so what are you doing" "nothing what's up" "Oh nothing just wanted to call and say hi" Dammmit if you don't have something to say that's at least somewhat important then don't call, I hate the phone as is, don't make jump though there and kick your ass.

heres a strange question...were you at walmart today? If not I saw your twin ....
OMG....I hate that too!! I can't stand it when people call and just 'sit' on the phone.