I'm in a real good mood today and I have no idea why. Crappy weather here, it's extemly humid. I have to tlak to somene about getting a tat. I don't know if I want to go with a symbol or a Marine Corps one. Either way I don't want to spend an arm and a leg. Anyone know how much like a 2 inch tat costs? Still waitng to hear back from someone. Hopefully I didn't freak her out. If she is freaked out and readig this then sorry. Hmmm....Pats are on tonight....that will be good. I need to go eat something. I really wish my entires were more exciting...maybe I'll have my geckos start typing them....they have alot to say I think.
Have a good day all.
Have a good day all.

I don't think a tattoo with my name on it will cost much. You should go ahead and do it.
I see you are a Pats fan....I'm a Titan's fan. I'll be nice if you will.
Look at is this way, you're going to be 30 no matter what. At least this way, you'll have a degree.