More goodness at work...this week I got to do something called the "redbook" which is basically being in charge of all the petty stuff that needs to be done in the store and checking it off and making sure it gets done. Including making sure that the staff if well properly dressesd. We haven't had a problem with this so I don't think it will be an issue. Usually they leave this to managers and supervisors but since I work in the back now and am getting stuff done in record time and they are pretty sure of my competencey they gave me the task. I"m quite proud actually...its like having my own little platton again.
Saw the girl I like at work but she was GEEKING OUT she had to be calmed down by our manager. Don't know what her problem was but she needs some relaxation techniques..or a good fuck.
Again the board gods have been smiling on me...I wrote my first article since my "converstion" to an independent" and it felt great. It was received nicely and all and all I think everyone that read it got the message that I was trying to get across....who knows maybe I can be a politics ediotor too.
I"ve been loving this new influx of SG's lately especially smitten if you haven't seen her set go take a gander its red hot. Cmon I dare ya.
Thats it for now boys and girls see you all on the flipside.
Tony M.
Saw the girl I like at work but she was GEEKING OUT she had to be calmed down by our manager. Don't know what her problem was but she needs some relaxation techniques..or a good fuck.

Again the board gods have been smiling on me...I wrote my first article since my "converstion" to an independent" and it felt great. It was received nicely and all and all I think everyone that read it got the message that I was trying to get across....who knows maybe I can be a politics ediotor too.

I"ve been loving this new influx of SG's lately especially smitten if you haven't seen her set go take a gander its red hot. Cmon I dare ya.
Thats it for now boys and girls see you all on the flipside.
Tony M.
Your initial response to the missing students was unfortunately exactly what the politics of fear have been brewing in the country lately. It led to a pretty good discussion, and I'm glad to see you're reaching out and developing your own understanding of the world's situation. Keep it up!