Wow what a day. So many of my favorite SG's had picutre updates what a pleasent day. Plus Charm man oh man what a SG
But it wasn't all oggling today. I had to call triple A once again because my car is being horribly stupid. But I think me and my father fixed it today. Also went to my doctors today and told him that I feel highs, no lows except for extreme lows (ie suicidal thoughts) so thats no good. Also I'm having some ED problems....I can starte at all these beautiful SGs all day and not feel anything.....some of you may know how frustrating that is..but I doubt any 20 somthings do.
He said my problem is isolation and that I need to get out more. So thats what I'll talk to my counselor friday about.
anywhoo onto the rest of my rant.
The vice President
OK so he's old, has had several heart attacks, shot a guy and possibly made it possible for his former comapny haliburton to make millions in post war Iraq.
First off he's old so a few heart palpations might be expected he is vice president so the stress level must be intense. Second so he's a bit old...nothing wrong with wisdom on your side. Third, that whole bird shooting thing was a complete accident and the guy forgave him on top of it. Fourth all the evidence to that theory is inconclusive.
So why is Dick Cheny this huge target for the Democrats and seen as Satan by some. He's just doing his job. I really don't get this one.
Wheather you want to belive it or not there are about 11-12 million immigrants in this country illegally. Now I don't want to hear anything about being a xenophob or a racist this is just facts. 11-12 million people will take a toll on your rescources wheather you realize it or not. These people make no effort to become legal US citizens while there are millions of others that are williing to do things legally. When out grandparets/grreat grandparents came to this country came to this country they made there best effort to become a US Citizen. Being Italian one of the biggest insults I got in school was being called a WHOP (with out papers) meaning I had no legal right to be here. If you said this to a illegal they seem to not care about this at all.
I think the work program is a good idea but I also think that the border needs to be protected. This is just my view you don't have to agree with it thats whats great about America.
I belive that it. If you want to hear or rather read more of my humble opinions you can always go to the political section of SG which I will now be more active in. Remember people don't let just a few people talk for you, let you talk for you.
Tony saying goodnight and goodbye.

anywhoo onto the rest of my rant.
The vice President
OK so he's old, has had several heart attacks, shot a guy and possibly made it possible for his former comapny haliburton to make millions in post war Iraq.
First off he's old so a few heart palpations might be expected he is vice president so the stress level must be intense. Second so he's a bit old...nothing wrong with wisdom on your side. Third, that whole bird shooting thing was a complete accident and the guy forgave him on top of it. Fourth all the evidence to that theory is inconclusive.
So why is Dick Cheny this huge target for the Democrats and seen as Satan by some. He's just doing his job. I really don't get this one.

Wheather you want to belive it or not there are about 11-12 million immigrants in this country illegally. Now I don't want to hear anything about being a xenophob or a racist this is just facts. 11-12 million people will take a toll on your rescources wheather you realize it or not. These people make no effort to become legal US citizens while there are millions of others that are williing to do things legally. When out grandparets/grreat grandparents came to this country came to this country they made there best effort to become a US Citizen. Being Italian one of the biggest insults I got in school was being called a WHOP (with out papers) meaning I had no legal right to be here. If you said this to a illegal they seem to not care about this at all.
I think the work program is a good idea but I also think that the border needs to be protected. This is just my view you don't have to agree with it thats whats great about America.
I belive that it. If you want to hear or rather read more of my humble opinions you can always go to the political section of SG which I will now be more active in. Remember people don't let just a few people talk for you, let you talk for you.
Tony saying goodnight and goodbye.
i have no groupie expectations lol!