the reason I"m posting this way is because when I try to post the normal way it takes waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too long. I have some sort of lag or something. But I"m using an ancient computer. Anyway just wanted to say hey to all my old and maybe and new readers of my good old Sg blog. Thanks to all that reupped there friend membership with me much appreciated. I have lots to comment on but I'll leave that for another post. Just know that life is good, for a guy with no job, no real girl, and who occassially loses his mind. Hey nobody is perfect and its fun to a little nuts every now and then. [eace homeslices.
Hey Tony! My water is back on so no worries there, married life is great, and the salon is....ok I guess. The darts on the other hand are not going so well. You see, there is this little thing called practice that I haven't done in a loooonngggg time.
I hate slow computers too. I love cable!