Welll as some of you rf you may see I"m back after taking a little trip in te gray dpet. this was unintentionaI asssure you . I dont hafve a computer welll I do now but didn't and was unable to have access to the internet. so therfore it was impossibolle for me to gain asscess to this has happened since my last update. my and Laura are still seeing each other but are unofffically going out. which means no nokkie for me. My panic attacks have decreased while my migraine headaheaceaes have increaesed in fact I have one right now so you'll ecxcuise the sloppy spelling. that and a slow very slow lags I 've noticefd a few new sets and am mosty impresssed. I hope thta you'll all welcome me back and keep those commets coming back to me.
i was sad when i noticed you went gray!
hope things are going well for you...
take care *MUAH!*