what have I done
My father hit me in the face namely the jaw for what I'm going to tell you all. The following contains sexual content that may not be sutialble for younger readers discreation is advised.
The past 72 hours (or thereabout)
Well I went to check out the new club that my friend is working at Sunday so I go there and its a real nice place a bit slow so I go up to the stage. The girl that's dancing is nice and we talk. So I say do you want to dance...she says sure and we get a dance. The girls a real good dancer and tells me that sunday was her first day. So I say, would you like to go to the champagne room. She says ok and we go there. Nothing happens but a good dance..we laugh and have a good time...the girl was really nice and I had a good time which in the end is all that matters....I'm not some miseralble bastard stuck in the house all day rotting away making everyone around me miserable as well.
Monday comes and goes with nothing of importnace.
Tuesday is when things get interesting. I'm waiting to see my friend at the club when this absolutly gorgeous blond comes up to me and no bullshit says "I"ll jerk you off in the chamapagne room" Well in my mind I thought yea right but then I thought what the fuck why not. So we go and this chick was fucking serious. We get there and she's all over there. I mean she was saying I was cute and that I had a big dick and all that but I figured it was all bullshit. Nope this women legitmatlly wanted me.
So who am I to deny someone I bought a few more champagne rooms and then went to the atm down the street to get her tip after my cash advances had hit there limit for the night and we sat and talk and as we're sitting there at the bar this gril is whipping my cock out and showing it to people.....I was fucking embarrssed as fuck.
But I did get her number which I did not ask for let me retype that I did not ask for. She openly gave to me. And she said she wants to have dinner at the capital grille at some point. But this women she let me do things to her...man best night I've had in a long time.
Now before I go any further I want to say something. I will not at any point say the name of this club or the name of the freind that works there if she wishes to talk to me about this then she can email me. Also this dosen't happen I'm sure as a regular basis here......I am pretty damn good looking. A gentlemens club is just that a club for recreation purposes only you should in no way expct sex when you go. Are we clear....I don't want any heat coming back to me thank you very much.
OK so after about 2 days and spending nearly $2200 I did what any rash normal person would do at 1 in the morning....I hit the casino. Basically things just went from bad to worse there. I lost another $200 and was there till about 6 in the morning..which leads me till today. and then the confrontation with my dad. As I'm telling him this I knew I was going to get hit his fist balled up. But I just thought it would be a body shot not in the face...I hope I don't bruise for my Interview at Target on Friday
But like I said earler.....if I am going to go bankrupt or even if I"m not that's not the point. The point is I had fun. I had a shit load of fun. Did I lost money yea...did it get out of control...maybe, but at least I'm not home yelling at my mother becuase my computer isn't working and thats the only release I have. The only problem I have is I can't come from just a damn handjob,. And I don't beat my kids. Sometimes I wonder why I look up to my father.

My father hit me in the face namely the jaw for what I'm going to tell you all. The following contains sexual content that may not be sutialble for younger readers discreation is advised.
The past 72 hours (or thereabout)
Well I went to check out the new club that my friend is working at Sunday so I go there and its a real nice place a bit slow so I go up to the stage. The girl that's dancing is nice and we talk. So I say do you want to dance...she says sure and we get a dance. The girls a real good dancer and tells me that sunday was her first day. So I say, would you like to go to the champagne room. She says ok and we go there. Nothing happens but a good dance..we laugh and have a good time...the girl was really nice and I had a good time which in the end is all that matters....I'm not some miseralble bastard stuck in the house all day rotting away making everyone around me miserable as well.
Monday comes and goes with nothing of importnace.
Tuesday is when things get interesting. I'm waiting to see my friend at the club when this absolutly gorgeous blond comes up to me and no bullshit says "I"ll jerk you off in the chamapagne room" Well in my mind I thought yea right but then I thought what the fuck why not. So we go and this chick was fucking serious. We get there and she's all over there. I mean she was saying I was cute and that I had a big dick and all that but I figured it was all bullshit. Nope this women legitmatlly wanted me.
So who am I to deny someone I bought a few more champagne rooms and then went to the atm down the street to get her tip after my cash advances had hit there limit for the night and we sat and talk and as we're sitting there at the bar this gril is whipping my cock out and showing it to people.....I was fucking embarrssed as fuck.
But I did get her number which I did not ask for let me retype that I did not ask for. She openly gave to me. And she said she wants to have dinner at the capital grille at some point. But this women she let me do things to her...man best night I've had in a long time.
Now before I go any further I want to say something. I will not at any point say the name of this club or the name of the freind that works there if she wishes to talk to me about this then she can email me. Also this dosen't happen I'm sure as a regular basis here......I am pretty damn good looking. A gentlemens club is just that a club for recreation purposes only you should in no way expct sex when you go. Are we clear....I don't want any heat coming back to me thank you very much.
OK so after about 2 days and spending nearly $2200 I did what any rash normal person would do at 1 in the morning....I hit the casino. Basically things just went from bad to worse there. I lost another $200 and was there till about 6 in the morning..which leads me till today. and then the confrontation with my dad. As I'm telling him this I knew I was going to get hit his fist balled up. But I just thought it would be a body shot not in the face...I hope I don't bruise for my Interview at Target on Friday

But like I said earler.....if I am going to go bankrupt or even if I"m not that's not the point. The point is I had fun. I had a shit load of fun. Did I lost money yea...did it get out of control...maybe, but at least I'm not home yelling at my mother becuase my computer isn't working and thats the only release I have. The only problem I have is I can't come from just a damn handjob,. And I don't beat my kids. Sometimes I wonder why I look up to my father.

About the throwing money away thing. Yeah dude that's basicly right.
80% of strippers(the bad apples) have a habit of looking at people as targets, Johns, whatever. Objects less than human, possessing weaknesses that can be exploited for profit. I smile a certain way and pretend to be their friends and I'll make a lot. It's not entirely their fault. Cuz unfortunatly they are proven right almost everyday. Men show up acting pathetic or overcompensating and being assholes. A girl stands there and she is literaly naked to a harsh reality.
For the record I go cuz I like drinking and having a really "attractive" environment while watching a game.
I know this because I dated a stripper while I dealed drugs and we found our job requirements quite similar. A bad part of my life.
Now you and I know that there are certain sweet girls that are not a member of this group. They are cool chicks. Some do it cuz they are just really sexual ppl. Some cuz it's fun. Good for them, I actually respect that a lot. But personally I have this thing where if I see a girl I know naked and it's not meant for me in a special way, it kinda just puts a negative on the image. "Everyones seen them so why should I care?"
So I avoid places where I know the girls. It's costing me more on gas cuz I cant visit Providence clubs anymore. But I'm keeping friendships safe
My advice: go to strip clubs when u are bored and wanna be in a no names kinda environment. Just primal fun. No thinking.
Do it or you'll never have the mentality for Vegas or Spring Break. Those places can tear you apart if you go in acting all mushy.
[Edited on Oct 28, 2005 3:35PM]
i guess i did my partying on saturday already.
hope u have a nice one as well