So last week and this week have been pretty good....lots of stuff have been going on so if you don't want to read a long update then stop right here.
Last week.
I quit my job and was supposed to get hired at another Dunkin Donuts unfoutunitly it dosen't look like that is going to happen so I"m going to go to my job counsselor...
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Last week.
I quit my job and was supposed to get hired at another Dunkin Donuts unfoutunitly it dosen't look like that is going to happen so I"m going to go to my job counsselor...
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Today my blog goes out to all the men and women, past and present that were in the armed forces of every major conflict that America has been in from it's inception up until this "war on terrorism". I"m not going to bash the Bush Empire, (although I easily could) for he is doing what he thinks what is right. No this is to salute...
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who said i'm modeling my scehdule after the navy's? 

i think i said something along the lines of "i'm going to start waking up extra early, like 4 am, to get ready for the first few days of bootcamp" and then i tried waking up at 4 and it sucked.
Holy Shite an Update....well don't blame me..blame CCRI and detoxing...between the two of them I've either been incapacitaed..or very busy.
Last Tuesday I went to see my Nerulogist and he said that my headaches are nothing more than rebound headaches from the painkillers that I take. So he suggested that I go cold turkey. Let me tell you that was not fun. It was like...
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Last Tuesday I went to see my Nerulogist and he said that my headaches are nothing more than rebound headaches from the painkillers that I take. So he suggested that I go cold turkey. Let me tell you that was not fun. It was like...
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I do what I can. 

ehm i dunno about the parents thing... mines usually get very angry if they see me upset, they really can't stand to see me crying, afraid or anything. so i have to rely on my friends! those are some of the best friends i've ever had. we call them "sailors" or "pirates" because of an inside joke which we already forgot, but the nickname remained
i hope you'll feel better soon! hold on for the detoxing, you're better off pills

i hope you'll feel better soon! hold on for the detoxing, you're better off pills

So its been awhile since I last posted. Sorry I've been mucho busy. My migranes have gone somewhat since i took myself off some of my pills. School I"ve had some homework to do and that always takes up some time. Although I did take a test on friday and get a 97 on it. Not bad for my first test. Although on my first...
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ahha with 40 celsius fever i could hardly stand up!
btw, thanks for the compliment, i'm glad you liked the pic
btw, thanks for the compliment, i'm glad you liked the pic

Veeeery successful, thank you! Lots of sunshine, but too much goddamn food and guts are suffering. And the return flight was real seat-of-your-pants stuff. Brown trousers time, and no mistake.I'm using up my remaindered holiday before I leave work...I've just fathomed...I have 5 GLORIOUS DAYS LEFT TO TAKE!!!
JOYYY! I have another few weeks that I can break up with cheeky days off!!!
Damn your eyes, sir! A whole week off? It's an outrage!
JOYYY! I have another few weeks that I can break up with cheeky days off!!!
Damn your eyes, sir! A whole week off? It's an outrage!

wow....a whole nother ( I just made that word up) week has passed and no entry from yours truly. Well I have been quite busy, fighting off headaches, requesting interviews from SG's going to work, going to school, having ex-girlfrieds call. Its been a pretty busy week. But I'll try to break it all down.
Started out like all mondays went to see my...
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Started out like all mondays went to see my...
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OW! Sorry to hear about the migraine, mate...that's horrible...
My bro-in-law gets them, and he literally goes blind for five hours at a time. Not nice.
Made a concrete decision! Giving my notice in on Monday!!! That gives me a month to sort out enough freelance work to keep me going and to get the ball rolling...
My bro-in-law gets them, and he literally goes blind for five hours at a time. Not nice.
Made a concrete decision! Giving my notice in on Monday!!! That gives me a month to sort out enough freelance work to keep me going and to get the ball rolling...
Apologies, schmapologies. You have nothing to apologise for. Post when you can, and leave it at that.
I've not been adding so much to the boards of late, myself. Too goddamn doubt as soon as something raises my blood pressure, I'll start ranting like a loon again.
You want to be a teacher??? That, my friend, is a fine and noble profession. I've done some English teaching, while travelling and I've had some very fulfilling experiences....all power to ya!
Apologies, schmapologies. You have nothing to apologise for. Post when you can, and leave it at that.

You want to be a teacher??? That, my friend, is a fine and noble profession. I've done some English teaching, while travelling and I've had some very fulfilling experiences....all power to ya!
Holy shite....a whole week has passed and no update from the mooch...thats terrible. You all must be wondering what the fuck is going on. Well I've been quite busy being busy, and slighty depressed but I"m over that so I don't even want to type it out it willl get to me again and we don't want that.
I stated school on Friday...yes I got...
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I stated school on Friday...yes I got...
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Good for you, mate!
Keep chipping away!
And oh yes...the cod-piece in that picture is not natural. Definitely other-worldly. I feel a disturbingly erotic dream coming on later tonight!

Keep chipping away!
And oh yes...the cod-piece in that picture is not natural. Definitely other-worldly. I feel a disturbingly erotic dream coming on later tonight!

OK, from the top:
A "stately home" is a big old country house, built by the nobility back when. The key words here are Big and Old - they housed as many people as some villages (owners, family, staff and servants and their families).
These days they are impossibly expensive to run as houses and tend to be either given to the nation (not the govt
) or turned into theme parks or (private) schools or that sort of thing. Longleat was opened to the public and they also built a safari park.
Longleat is still owned by the same family that commissioned it in 1567 (yes, nearly 450 years ago). Hence, M's complaint that they had no respect for tradition.
Some actual ones
Longleat itself
A "stately home" is a big old country house, built by the nobility back when. The key words here are Big and Old - they housed as many people as some villages (owners, family, staff and servants and their families).
These days they are impossibly expensive to run as houses and tend to be either given to the nation (not the govt

Longleat is still owned by the same family that commissioned it in 1567 (yes, nearly 450 years ago). Hence, M's complaint that they had no respect for tradition.
Some actual ones
Longleat itself
I got all my books today at CCRI (thats community college of Rhode Island) and it didn't cost 1 cent....very cool. I'm super phycsed to get my classes under way and start my edumacation. My first class is next Friday.
Work was a little better this week although I did miss a few days due to my massive migraines. They hurt so much and I"m...
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Work was a little better this week although I did miss a few days due to my massive migraines. They hurt so much and I"m...
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The drink is Morimoto beer. Thers' more than one kind and I can't remember what kind it was, but it was really really good.
You love the green beard, don't lie to me!! You know the leprachaun goat look is totally in!
I don't know what happened. I was looking close to being my age for a while, then I cut my hair short and now I'm getting " can't possibly be more than 20...right?" all the time. I thought shorter hair made people look older! I was wrong apparently...
You love the green beard, don't lie to me!! You know the leprachaun goat look is totally in!

I don't know what happened. I was looking close to being my age for a while, then I cut my hair short and now I'm getting " can't possibly be more than 20...right?" all the time. I thought shorter hair made people look older! I was wrong apparently...
i'm sorry, but i have a weakness for tv's tim gunn. so sue me. 

Well today started off good I slept over my parents house last night becuase I felt depressed...niothing I could put my fnger on but I still flet like shite. I woke up today in a better mood had my coffee and cigerrates. Went back to my house for awhile only to find that I had insufficent funds to pay my SG Bill so probally in...
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The movie was so good that I left feeling drunk.
It's rainy here.... but I like it.

This week has been particulary tough on me. I"ve been really stressed out and depressed over what I can't say...not becuase I don't want too but becuase I can't put my finger on it. That in itself is depressing. But today was much better. I did a shitload of chores around the house and the only ones I didn't get done were swiffering, wet swiffering...
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work will fix itself. Uptight is being uptight. That would be a good article if you looks at historical stuff as well .
It's a house, not an apartment.

Been feeling really down the last few days..nothing specific..took a day out yesterday and when I came in today nothing was done *sigh* They expect me to do 8 hours work in kinda is starting to piss me off a little. Granted I"m a good worker but noone is that good. I just need to refocus and start over.
I got my PELL grant...
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I got my PELL grant...
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It's real. I dye my hair.
OK, lecture time:
It's not that cigarettes kill you, so much. It's the impotence, amputations, emphysema, cancer... dying of these things is easy. It's the part before dying that's tough.
It's not that cigarettes kill you, so much. It's the impotence, amputations, emphysema, cancer... dying of these things is easy. It's the part before dying that's tough.
The book is exactly what it claims to be - a set of random numbers. They have their uses in engineering and science. The reviews are silliness, which is why I posted it.