Well easter came and went in a flash, It was a great day though, me and thelibra spend it in central jersey with my family. She got a great gift for easter as well, Tickets to see the show rent, since it will be ending in June of this year. I want to go to the beach and watch the sunset , but she was like i am not walking on the beach it is too cold
That is all for now, Hooray for my semster ending on June 23rd. Me and the Libra are on vacation the week after , we are going to the DR for a week
i am off to think of how to cheer thelibra up or try an brighten her day.

That is all for now, Hooray for my semster ending on June 23rd. Me and the Libra are on vacation the week after , we are going to the DR for a week

i am off to think of how to cheer thelibra up or try an brighten her day.
Give Miss Libra a big monster hug for me, k?