So it was about 9:30 This evening and i get one of those restricted calls on my cell phone. Now usually i let it go to voicemail, but i was expecting a call. So i answered , The person on the other end of the line asked me if i could meet them in 20 minutes. I said sure and head off to a parking lot , not far from me, wearing my black leather jacket. I was asked, where i was going so late , so i said to meet someone in parking lot. The person on the recieving end was like for what reason, I told them to pick something up, that would be put in my trunk. They suggested I bring gloves, i told them i didn't need them, since i would not be placing it in my trunk. So i arrived on time in the parking lot, shortly their after my aquaintence arrived as well. He quickly placed something in my trunk, it was neatly wrapped, so it wouldn't move around. Then we left and drove off iin opposite directions.
Tommorow i will be delivering it to my friend at work, I was told not to bring it in the building, but to have him get it at lunch time. They in turn will be bringing it back to Staten Island. I wonder what it could be. All i saw it that it was carved up nicely thenwrapped serveral times around. Oh did I mention it was a full moon tonight and the guy I will be giving it to is named Tony.
What could be in my trunk ?
Tommorow i will be delivering it to my friend at work, I was told not to bring it in the building, but to have him get it at lunch time. They in turn will be bringing it back to Staten Island. I wonder what it could be. All i saw it that it was carved up nicely thenwrapped serveral times around. Oh did I mention it was a full moon tonight and the guy I will be giving it to is named Tony.
What could be in my trunk ?