So yesterday me and the Libra were in the city and viewed that bodies exhibit. It was amazing to see all these bodies up close , but at the same time i wondered whose bodies were they? Were these bodies of people who donated them for science or were they from somewhere else. In any event, I somehow managed to be hungry after viewing this exhibit. I had to , since i had an excellent time at Graduation Party.
In other news, I will once again be applying for a Masters Program, Through my company. I applied last year and did not get in, so i am crossing my fingers again this year, in hopes they will take my two years of experience into account. If not, I figure i will find a program on my own, But the best part either way is that i will get reimbursed for my tuition. My goal is to eventually get an MBA, but if i get an MIS ( Masters in Information systems) I would only need about 8 more classed to get there.
Well off to the golf course.. I am training to become the next Tiger Woods..
In other news, I will once again be applying for a Masters Program, Through my company. I applied last year and did not get in, so i am crossing my fingers again this year, in hopes they will take my two years of experience into account. If not, I figure i will find a program on my own, But the best part either way is that i will get reimbursed for my tuition. My goal is to eventually get an MBA, but if i get an MIS ( Masters in Information systems) I would only need about 8 more classed to get there.
Well off to the golf course.. I am training to become the next Tiger Woods..

I've seen her let a little girl who was just learning to walk pull herself up off the ground by Kiowa's fur. Kiowa didn't move a muscle. As soon as the kid was up she licked her face and then let her study herself on her back while she walked.
The neighbors behind us essentially let her babysit their kids in the backyard. The mom knew she could step inside for a moment to answer the phone or move the laundry around. Kiowa would bark to let her know if one of the kids fell down or started playing with the gate.
If I was sick she'd bring me every one of her toys, drop them on the bed, then curl up behind me and snuggle in to sleep.
Ever seen a dog herd big 6-point buck into a chain link fence and take a bite out of it? Yep - I saw that. She came back up the hill prancing and happy.
I've also seen her try to come through the door of my truck to get at a guy trying to steal it. (I left it running with the AC blasting while I ran into a store - I could see the truck the whole time). They guy came up with a couple BS excuses why he wouldn't leave when I confronted him. He ran like hell when I put my hand on the door handle. "Protected by Viper" my ass - protected by 70lbs of german shepherd is more my speed.
Some jackass tried to climb into the car with my ex when she was traveling with Kiowa. I guess he missed the dog in the back seat.
When I had 3 idiots laid out in my backyard and covered with a shotgun, Kiowa wouldn't leave a line between the idiots and my ex. No matter where she moved on the deck, Kiowa kept herself between them and her. I hadn't trained her on that. She just did it naturally.
I'm not applying for beatmaster status, but I've never had a problem with a dog. I've had military working dogs (UK MOD) sitting on a couch with me eating cheetos. The dogs that people warn you will bite - they don't bite me. Usually they want to climb into my lap. I've got a working theory that there are no really bad dogs - just bad owners.