I have surivived round 2 of cut backs at my company. Today was the second announcement of people who were getting laid off. I was offended when one of my co-workers called me selfish for complaining about my work load, when many people lost their jobs. She is right that i am lucky to have a job , But I am looking out for myself, you have to be selfish to get what you want, an ideal work situation. So she can kiss my ass , since she is a company woman because she has been around 30 years and would jump off a bridge if my company told her to.
In other news, I made my arrangements for me and the Libra to go to CA in July. I know i can't wait since my sister is out their and she has never been to northern Ca ( San Francisico Area). I am hoping they will have some nice weather, that i can enjoy as opposed to our last trip to vermont, where the sun never came out
Well time for me to jet to a BBQ at mylibra 's.
In other news, I made my arrangements for me and the Libra to go to CA in July. I know i can't wait since my sister is out their and she has never been to northern Ca ( San Francisico Area). I am hoping they will have some nice weather, that i can enjoy as opposed to our last trip to vermont, where the sun never came out

Well time for me to jet to a BBQ at mylibra 's.
The area around Eureka is one of my favorite parts of CA. SF is nice and has some great attractions. Eureka is more my speed though.
Those extraneous managers didn't get where they are without a highly developed sense of self preservation. In many cases I've seen they have even structured their positions to be comfortable and lucrative, but with no risky responsibility or accountability. This reduces their chances of being the scapegoat for some GFI project that fails.
So when the layoffs come they cut the lower level employees that weren't in the VIMs (Very Important Meetings) and that didn't attend the uber-secret management holiday parties. Since those are the folks that actually do productive and revenue generating work it ends up whacking the company for a loss. My prediction is that you'll see many of those jobs performed by incoming contract employees which is somehow seen differently on the balance street and by the street.
The street loves layoffs that reportedly will increase efficiency and profits. Rose petal scented BS will flow from the mouths of the analysts and the stock will jump. Since senior management is highly optioned they will love it! Let me guess, the CEO has a huge stake in the company's stock? Most certainly in discounted qualified options and additional bonuses based on the stock price and short-term profitability?
It doesn't make it suck any less, but the whole thing is pretty standard. As are the repercussions.