*feeling bad*
So last nightnopantslibra and me got a nice ticket for loitering
, last time i checked that it what you are suppose to do in park. I think the officer just needed to meet his ticket quote for the month but what the F***. Why not find two people who deserve tickets
I wish that my hilton head vacation was much sooner me and my libra definetly could use one. but soon enough we will be able to lay on the beach and forget about all of our stressors for a few days, which will be great. The best part is that i get to spend the whole time with nopantslibra.
I was so impressed with myself today, i bit my tongue, when i usally tell people off. Keeping in mind that i was already stressed out, i restrainted myself and thought life is too short to fight about silly things.
Tonight is gonna be called having fun without taking your pants off night
Someone thinks they can beat me in Mini golf, so i have to take the challenge seriously. Lets get it on.
So last nightnopantslibra and me got a nice ticket for loitering

I wish that my hilton head vacation was much sooner me and my libra definetly could use one. but soon enough we will be able to lay on the beach and forget about all of our stressors for a few days, which will be great. The best part is that i get to spend the whole time with nopantslibra.
I was so impressed with myself today, i bit my tongue, when i usally tell people off. Keeping in mind that i was already stressed out, i restrainted myself and thought life is too short to fight about silly things.
Tonight is gonna be called having fun without taking your pants off night

That is some bullshit. Loitering in a park... Excuse me? Damn fascists.