Ok heres a scenerio for you zombies take over your town and kill your family and friends, and only you and a handfull of your friends are alive boarded up in your house. There is a car in your garage with extra gas. Your step-father is a gun collector and has the set up to make extra bullets. Your girlfriend lives in New Jersey and you are in total love with her and you decide you are going to load up and head out with or without your friends, They choose to join you and you are from upstate new york and you start your journey down to the garden state which is now splattered with decaying flesh. Along the way you lose some of ur friends to the undead. You finally reach it to her house last survivor of your clan to find her family the walkin dead you kill them all and reach the upstairs to your one and only's room only to find that she has been bitten. What do you do A. wait for her to turn and kill her, then kill yourself B. Wait for her to turn kill her then go on your marry zombie hunting way C. Wait for her to turn then let her chomp on you to turn to a zombie and become an undead couple
one of the many of my odd dreams
one of the many of my odd dreams
If its true love... kill her then yourself, you can be a NORMAL dead/ghost couple in heaven or hell or where ever they go! But on the other hand, you can be the undead couple until another normal person kills one of you and you again are left alone... This is very hard! Let hope you make it to your g/f house before she is bitten and you can protect her! Good idea though....