i have received an email from my friend concerning my girlfriend. i dont know how to feel, both my girl and my friend prove good points. I believe my girl has changed since i received this email. I hope she proves them wrong. I have alot of faith in her. But some of the things i dunno. Everything my friend has said is not my views or beliefs but a few things i agree with and disagree with. Im in a sticky spot. This girl is the girl of my dreams and i believe she will prove that, and has. It sucks to be stuck between your girl and best friends, each side has arguments, and im stuck in the middle, with messed up emotions.
Messed up emotions really, really suck.
I just read how you lost your virginity... heh heh. Tew funny.
I know exactly how you feel, I'm in the same position where my g/f and friend don't see i to i, but i respect them both. Make it work however possible and in time the right situation will present itself.