i have received an email from my friend concerning my girlfriend. i dont know how to feel, both my girl and my friend prove good points. I believe my girl has changed since i received this email. I hope she proves them wrong. I have alot of faith in her. But some of the things i dunno. Everything my friend has said is not my...
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Messed up emotions really, really suck.
I just read how you lost your virginity... heh heh. Tew funny.

I know exactly how you feel, I'm in the same position where my g/f and friend don't see i to i, but i respect them both. Make it work however possible and in time the right situation will present itself.

sometimes i wish i just could cry.
but the tears never seem to fall.
anxiety is a bitch.
but the tears never seem to fall.
anxiety is a bitch.
crying is nice. I try and do it at least everyother month. a good cry can help a person out more then people know!
Im here if ya need to talk!
Im here if ya need to talk!
I don't cry about myself. It's not some sort of macho thing, I just don't. I do cry however every time I watch You've Got Mail, which is about once a month. Me and mom on the couch sewing, crying and eating cookies. Good times.
Being anxious isn't fun at all, what are you anxious about. Just remember, nothing is real. That helps alot.
Being anxious isn't fun at all, what are you anxious about. Just remember, nothing is real. That helps alot.
Hell yeah you sexy mustang.
You must have had the best time partying while looking that GREAT!!! WOO HOO.....
Ohhh how I loves me some old days!
It's kindof cute that the gentleman with the cast can't properly flick people off due to his emplastered thumb.
Last nite Valie and i had the most amazing sex ever. I was able to make her cum three times in a row and it was fantastic. And she had the ultra orgasm of her life. I am quite pleased with myself with the fact that i am able to out do myself time and time again. Sorry i felt the need to share.

Valie and I celebrated out 5 month anniversary i usually only make it six months maybe this one will last. We started dating on april fools we went and saw sin city, went to a party got a lil drunk, asked her to come back to watch i heart huckabees and lets just say we didnt watch much of it or any at all. I...
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Well congrats on the 5th month anniversary Hun! Have fun at the Dane Cook show, hes hilarious and Im jealous as all hell that you are going! Talk to you later.
Its hot as fuck
Why have i had swamp ass for a week straight, i even have it when i sleep.
Dont even get me started on having sex in this weather in a small dorm room. I almost passed out from the pleasure and my rising body temperture. But it was still stellar.
Enjoy the heat everyone.
Why have i had swamp ass for a week straight, i even have it when i sleep.
Dont even get me started on having sex in this weather in a small dorm room. I almost passed out from the pleasure and my rising body temperture. But it was still stellar.
Enjoy the heat everyone.

Heat isn't so bad in Cali. Around 75, thats nice love-making weather!
it was a twing extra long, should be enough room for you. Love making is good, i would like to think i have some skill.

So today i finished a design for my clothing line so i can test out the print on a shirt and see what it looks like, Then my step dad filled two cavities, then i was off buying stuff for my apartment at college woohoo. Fun nite with the fam. O ya by the way im starting my own clothing line anyone interested give me...
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I stencil alot, but nothing for clothing. On an unrelated note and only funny if you know geek, I started spraying two messages around. "How high is Jesus' midichlorian count?" and "Jesus rolls natural 20s". I forgot why I told you this, but there you go.
Good Luck on this clothing line... When its all finished I totally want a shirt or something, you will have to keep us posted on your web-site... Cant Wait!!!
awww... you're such a total cutie 

oh bear stop trying to make all the ladies hot and bothered... it's such a tease. can't wait to be asleep next to you once again... 3 more days
love, your sweets

love, your sweets