Yay! Amazon order has arrived. I have a habit of buying albums based on hearing one track on the radio and loving it. With a few dire exceptions this has been a most good method of purchase.
This time was The Chalets "Check In"
and Clor "The Debut Album"
Only had one spin a piece but am liking both muchley. Also loving Check In's case design and cover art. Downloads are great but having a physical CD in my grubby little mits, particularly a funky one like this, adds another dimension to my enjoyment of the music.
Having said that I normally ditch the case after rifling through the liners to minimise the amount of boxes for the next move. I think I might keep this one though...
This time was The Chalets "Check In"
and Clor "The Debut Album"
Only had one spin a piece but am liking both muchley. Also loving Check In's case design and cover art. Downloads are great but having a physical CD in my grubby little mits, particularly a funky one like this, adds another dimension to my enjoyment of the music.
Having said that I normally ditch the case after rifling through the liners to minimise the amount of boxes for the next move. I think I might keep this one though...
Check em outgogol bordello
I heart Nina Simone!