I am having the weirdest fucking dreams. I swear to god. What the fuck.
Saturday night/sunday morning: I don't remember much of it, but I do remember Obama had been assassinated. I had no idea how, but he was, and I had been told, and I think I remember seeing my mom and being mad because I knew she was voting for McCain anyway (I'm pretty sure she is in real life, which is too bad). When I woke up, I didn't even want to get out of bed to find out if it was true.
Monday Morning: So we got home, and I fell asleep. I dreamed two Nazis had come looking for me and a girl whom I now can't remember. The male Nazi left with the girl, not violently, but he was with her and the female Nazi was with me. I remember talking to her in some weird themed bar, though I can't remember the theme. I think it was one of those bars that doubled as "family grill." I remember telling her "probably shouldn't have said I was half-Jewish, huh?" She had a list of people they were after, and I think I recognized one that seemed somewhat Middle-Eastern, and I knew this person, apparently, not well, but I knew the name (do Nazis hate Middle-Easterners? I imagine they would). Essentially, I would get him for her, and that would buy my freedom, I thought. I had been trying to find him, and I remember she had an amused smile on, and I got the impression this would do no good. I was trying to escape, and I ended up at Cherubs, but I wasn't really there. Like, they were presenting Shakespeare scenes, but I was in the wings, I think explaining that the Nazi lady was a Nazi, and I (in real life) had never seen these wings before in my life. Then Sarah Bockel came over and told me off, because I was making too much noise. She was in the show that was going on. So was the Nazi. Then somehow I snuck on, because I was in the final tableau. The audience was told to look under their seats, and a large rectangle pulled out red, white, and blue lit plastic swords. Like, little lights. And they made a flag. The house was definitely McPherson, with the thrust seating and I think it even had the wooden things too, but of course it was darkened. I don't know if someone said he was there, or if I noticed him and just thought the name, but Kyle Blair had one, and appeared to be crowd-surfing in a red shirt (possibly cargo shorts, that's fuzzy, and I might be just filling that in). He was making goofy faces in reaction to hitting himself in the balls with the plastic sword. I may or may not have made one in response before running out (the dream is fading a bit), but for some reason I couldn't run as fast as I wanted, something was slowing me down and the Nazi woman was able to keep up pretty well. I could hear her stilettos clicking behind me. When I burst out of a door located on the wings, I was in some office-type building. As I was running out the front door, which had one of those fancy glass facades that Office buildings sometimes have, I ran past Evan Staley, who said something to a couple of guys nearby the entrance, something offhand, small talk. I burst out the front door, and was struggling to find my car, and the Nazi lady was right next to me because of how slowly I was running, and she had parked her car right next to mine, and I got in thinking "I can't go to Peter and Ben's, she'll know to look there. I'll try Max's." When I woke up, it occurred to me that I might have to take her gun and threaten her, maybe shoot her, to get her to stop. "Spirit of the Staircase." I thought of a great way to deal with the dream-Nazi-lady once I had woken up.
The only thing I can think here is with Sarah, I have a habit of talking during rehearsals, and I'm reading "Improvise" by Mick Napier, who founded the Annoyance Theater, and one of the chapters has some suggestions for rehearsal behavior, one of which is "Shut the fuck up."
That's all I got. It seems I dream in dada.
Saturday night/sunday morning: I don't remember much of it, but I do remember Obama had been assassinated. I had no idea how, but he was, and I had been told, and I think I remember seeing my mom and being mad because I knew she was voting for McCain anyway (I'm pretty sure she is in real life, which is too bad). When I woke up, I didn't even want to get out of bed to find out if it was true.
Monday Morning: So we got home, and I fell asleep. I dreamed two Nazis had come looking for me and a girl whom I now can't remember. The male Nazi left with the girl, not violently, but he was with her and the female Nazi was with me. I remember talking to her in some weird themed bar, though I can't remember the theme. I think it was one of those bars that doubled as "family grill." I remember telling her "probably shouldn't have said I was half-Jewish, huh?" She had a list of people they were after, and I think I recognized one that seemed somewhat Middle-Eastern, and I knew this person, apparently, not well, but I knew the name (do Nazis hate Middle-Easterners? I imagine they would). Essentially, I would get him for her, and that would buy my freedom, I thought. I had been trying to find him, and I remember she had an amused smile on, and I got the impression this would do no good. I was trying to escape, and I ended up at Cherubs, but I wasn't really there. Like, they were presenting Shakespeare scenes, but I was in the wings, I think explaining that the Nazi lady was a Nazi, and I (in real life) had never seen these wings before in my life. Then Sarah Bockel came over and told me off, because I was making too much noise. She was in the show that was going on. So was the Nazi. Then somehow I snuck on, because I was in the final tableau. The audience was told to look under their seats, and a large rectangle pulled out red, white, and blue lit plastic swords. Like, little lights. And they made a flag. The house was definitely McPherson, with the thrust seating and I think it even had the wooden things too, but of course it was darkened. I don't know if someone said he was there, or if I noticed him and just thought the name, but Kyle Blair had one, and appeared to be crowd-surfing in a red shirt (possibly cargo shorts, that's fuzzy, and I might be just filling that in). He was making goofy faces in reaction to hitting himself in the balls with the plastic sword. I may or may not have made one in response before running out (the dream is fading a bit), but for some reason I couldn't run as fast as I wanted, something was slowing me down and the Nazi woman was able to keep up pretty well. I could hear her stilettos clicking behind me. When I burst out of a door located on the wings, I was in some office-type building. As I was running out the front door, which had one of those fancy glass facades that Office buildings sometimes have, I ran past Evan Staley, who said something to a couple of guys nearby the entrance, something offhand, small talk. I burst out the front door, and was struggling to find my car, and the Nazi lady was right next to me because of how slowly I was running, and she had parked her car right next to mine, and I got in thinking "I can't go to Peter and Ben's, she'll know to look there. I'll try Max's." When I woke up, it occurred to me that I might have to take her gun and threaten her, maybe shoot her, to get her to stop. "Spirit of the Staircase." I thought of a great way to deal with the dream-Nazi-lady once I had woken up.
The only thing I can think here is with Sarah, I have a habit of talking during rehearsals, and I'm reading "Improvise" by Mick Napier, who founded the Annoyance Theater, and one of the chapters has some suggestions for rehearsal behavior, one of which is "Shut the fuck up."
That's all I got. It seems I dream in dada.
And you say that I'm crazy...