Holy Shit! it's been a month since I've updated my journal! Sorry guys, I've just been sort of "out there" I guess.
Well, lets bring you up to speed I guess. I went home on R&R for two weeks; Sept. 6-22, it was awesome to say the least. I got totally trashed on my birthday of course. I saw a show in wichita at the eagle lodge: Arms for Hands (formerly known as "Soul Machete"), Ed Gein, and Andodyne. It Kicked ass! I thought maybe I'd see shambles there, but oh well... I got to spend lots of quality time with Samantha
I got to hang with all my friends which was very nice. I also talked to the new director of theatre at ESU, he seems really cool. Then I talked to the Tech Director and he said it should be no problem getting my old job back in the scene shop when I get home. Speaking of home, we got some good news today; our tentative date to fly home is Jan 21. So just over 100 days, and I'll be back home! So I'm happy!
Oh, here's a pic of me and Sam, from my birhtday
Well, that's it for now, till next time...
Well, lets bring you up to speed I guess. I went home on R&R for two weeks; Sept. 6-22, it was awesome to say the least. I got totally trashed on my birthday of course. I saw a show in wichita at the eagle lodge: Arms for Hands (formerly known as "Soul Machete"), Ed Gein, and Andodyne. It Kicked ass! I thought maybe I'd see shambles there, but oh well... I got to spend lots of quality time with Samantha

Well, that's it for now, till next time...

I think you're right about rushing into a new relationship. I think I just needed temporary reassurance that J. wasn't the only guy out there for me. I actually started dating the new guy when J. and I opened up our relationship. He knew what he was getting into because we discussed it pretty openly and he also knew that I was planning on being single in the near future. But I still somehow feel bad because he was so incredibly sweet to me. Regardless, though, I'm having a big lesbo phase and he has nothing to offer me in that department!!!
I'm glad that you took the time to talk w/ Sam and worked things out in a healthy responsible manner. You guys look so cute together and it's clear how crazy you are about her.
I think you're also right about always having feelings for J. As much as he sucks now, I haven't forgotten the infinite sweet and tender moments... and you can't just turn off emotion. But I think even more than missing him, I'm really weirded out by his sudden personality change. It's really creepy. He's like some sleazy older guy who still goes to college parties and hits on girls who are way too young for him. This is not the J. that I know. It's like he's trying to prove he's a REAL man or something and it's gross.
How are things now that you're back? Is it harder or easier to be there after having a break and knowing when you get to go home? Anything new?
yeah. it was my first BB experience, but I was familar with the play beforehand since it was my highschool drama teacher's favorite musical.