Okay, yeah, my last entry was really short, I'll try to make this one a little more interesting. I'm going with sam to the clinic today for another check up on the baby. She's always so worried about things...but I guess that's just how pregnant women are.
The show is coming along pretty good, we had the first runthrough on monday, and It went alright. We didn't have to stop or anything, so that was good. I'm feeling pretty comfortable with all the dances, and getting better at my part in "Lucky Boy".
Art class (2-D design) was interesting today, we got into a discussion at the end about stylization, and....well....commercialism...in art I guess. I don't know. It was just kinda wierd. I think some people feel offended by the in class critiques? I really don't know...it was just kinda odd....
The show is coming along pretty good, we had the first runthrough on monday, and It went alright. We didn't have to stop or anything, so that was good. I'm feeling pretty comfortable with all the dances, and getting better at my part in "Lucky Boy".
Art class (2-D design) was interesting today, we got into a discussion at the end about stylization, and....well....commercialism...in art I guess. I don't know. It was just kinda wierd. I think some people feel offended by the in class critiques? I really don't know...it was just kinda odd....
Per esempio: often I do not appreciate certain films or types of music. However, even though I don't enjoy watching or listening to those artworks myself, it's interesting to read critical appraisals of those pieces to see what other people have found in them. Similarly, on issues of international relations, it is often enlightening to see what other people, with better information or different worldviews, think the correct policy ought to be.
On the other hand, there are some situations in which opinions are clearly wrong and/or deeply offensive. In those situations, there is little to be gained by listening to them and less reason to subject oneself to the company of those who hold them.
My Goodkind test is, to some extent, a method of getting at the latter. In my view, anyway, which is really important for nothing more than deciding who I want to talk to -- and so not very important at all.