There is a lot going on in my life and it looks like it won't end for a bit. Honestly, I don't want it to end any time soon. I have to get my college degree and the quickest way to do that is to go through my hard times. This is all with my responsibilities of moving to a new country, working at a new job, being a father and now with going to school full time online. I just finished my term online this week and I somehow managed to complete my Network and Telecom Management and Introduction into Scripting class. I finally get a two week break before going back into the fire that is school. It doesn't help that this grave and serious situation is happening outside of the place I am. We are in a delayed status as it looks like we are finally going into lockdown measures. We are getting our first few cases of COVID and my base is locking down. A lot to manage but I am confident I got this....Just two more years of this and if I decide to leave the Military I can do it with a bachelors and the confidence to find a good job for my family.
More Blogs
I like to run...
I'm not fast, I am not stronger than most but I will outlast. I can… -
So, I have a plan and it's really crazy....
I'm sure most of you have heard of a marathon. 26.2 miles of runnin… -
What is stopping me?
I'm trying this blog a day and it's kinda nice so far. It is allowi… -
Just came to an awesome realization
I don't have to try to let people like me. I don't have to force it… -
One thing I really don't like?
...It's my birthday. I hate my birthday with a passion. It used to … -
A blog a day for a year challenge?
I think this will help me out. I am going to see if I can do this. … -
I can't do this...
I just can't do clubs. I can't do loud bars or clubs and see everyo… -
I've been wise.
It seems ever since I acquired my goal weight I have let myself go … -
Maybe I Should be Looking in Another Direction.
Something happened today. I was looking out my window and for a mom… -
Happy being single
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