Where to begin....
It hasn't really hit me yet. Maybe I am waiting for this earth shattering moment when I will finally realize the responsibility and sacrifice that comes with being a father. I always figured that my life would be as romanticized as the movies or the books that I read. It could be my own fault when it comes to the life choices that I made. Deciding to be in the military instead of perusing a degree, getting married to a wonderful women but one who downright denies we are best friends, or ending up spending my life wishing I was a writer like i dreamed. It hurts to think, or to pull back my expectations, that for some people we just don't get that storybook ending like we had wanted. I expected an earth shattering moment where everything is fixed when I became a father. I know now that it isn't true. She is my world....But it came over time. There wasn't a switch....It just is....And everything I do now. I do for her... It might be strange for some people for me to write on this website but....Fuck em.