I'm not fast, I am not stronger than most but I will outlast. I can run far....Very far. My long run today is going to be 8 miles long. Far into the night I am going to go and never come back. Why? I mean I can be stereotypical and say I like to be alone. Or, the burn is great. That isn't it though.... I don't know why...Wish I could tell you but I am out there running slow as hell but for such a long distance. Anyway, I made weight and I ate enough today. I think I am going to go destroy myself now.
Oh, this is how I look now....

I know this is an older post, but just wanted to say I also run and am slower than most due to some foot/orthotic issues, but for whatever reason you do it getting out there and doing it is more important that time/speed :)

Agreed. I always wanted to work on running a marathon. I don't know when but I was hoping to do one this November. It really is about getting out there I sort of fell in love with running.